§ 6580. Established; composition; purpose. (a) The Delaware Sentencing Accountability Commission (hereinafter referred to as the “Commission”) is hereby established. The Commission shall consist of 11 members, the body of which shall be comprised as follows: (1) Four members of the judiciary appointed by the Chief Justice, 2 of whom shall be initially appointed for […]
§ 6581. Sentencing guidelines. (a) A computer-driven model of proposed sentencing criteria shall be created by March 1, 1985, which will be able to project the effect of alternative policy decisions on the Department of Correction resources. Sentencing guidelines will be drafted with nonbinding pilot testing by July 1, 1985. The Commission shall submit to […]
§ 6581A. Additional duties of the Commission. The Delaware Sentencing Accountability Commission (SENTAC) is hereby directed, pursuant to § 6581(j) of this title, to modify or amend its Benchbook, so that the sentencing guidelines set forth in the Benchbook recommend that, in cases in which the weight of the controlled substance significantly exceeds the Tier […]
§ 6582. Treatment Access Committee established. (a) There is established a permanent committee of the Sentencing Accountability Commission which shall be known as the “Treatment Access Committee.” (b) The Treatment Access Committee shall be comprised of 7 voting members which shall include: (1) The Chairperson of SENTAC, ex officio, who shall serve as Chairperson of […]