§ 1101. Permanent registration system. (a) Persons who have registered to vote in accordance with the provisions of this title shall not be removed from the voting rolls so long as their permanent place of residence is within this State, they have not been disenfranchised for any cause prescribed in the laws of this State […]
§ 1102. Voter registration drive standards. (a) Persons and entities registering people to vote within the State shall keep a log of all voter registration applications solicited, deliver all applications for Delaware citizens and a copy of the log covering those applications to the State Election Commissioner or the Department within 10 days of soliciting […]
§ 1103. Disaster recovery and continuity of operations. (a) If paper registration records are lost, destroyed, mutilated or defaced, the affected department or departments shall not replace the records but shall use the State’s Election Management System database as the source of voter registration data for the persons whose records were so affected. (b) The […]
§ 1104, 1105. Registration dates and hours in election districts; notice of registration. Repealed by 64 Del. Laws, c. 424, § 2, effective Jan. 1, 1985.