§ 2060. Application. Governmental and private entities may apply to the State Election Commissioner to register people to vote on a continuing basis or during an organized voter registration drive. Such entities must apply at least 30 days prior to the start of the voter registration activity or the drive. Voter registration under the provision […]
§ 2061. Training. The State Election Commissioner shall develop a program for training individuals as temporary registrars as well as those persons responsible for planning, organizing and operating a voter registration activity or drive. Training shall be conducted by personnel from the office of the State Election Commissioner. Individuals who complete the training required by […]
§ 2062. Approval. The Commissioner shall approve all applications, under § 2060 of this title, provided: (1) The requested training date is prior to the start of the proposed voter registration activity or drive. (2) The applying entity has not violated the provisions of this subchapter, title or regulations promulgated by the State Election Commissioner […]
§ 2063. Pickup and return of materials. (a) The entity shall pick-up the voter registration applications, forms and other required materials as directed by the State Election Commissioner. (b) An entity conducting a voter registration drive shall deliver all completed applications, unused applications, voided or damaged applications, completed forms and all excess materials to the […]
§ 2064. Procedures. (a) Entities conducting voter registration shall account for the disposition of every application provided by the Department of Elections or the office of the State Election Commissioner by application number. The State Election Commissioner shall promulgate procedures that entities shall use to document the disposition of voter registration applications. (b) The temporary […]
§ 2065. Application date. Upon receipt of the applications at the Department of Elections or at the office of the State Election Commissioner, the applications shall be stamped by the agency’s time stamp. The date the applications are received in the office of the State Election Commissioner or at the Department of Elections is the […]