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Home » US Law » 2022 Delaware Code » Title 15 - Elections » Part IV » General Elections » Chapter 57. CANVASS OF VOTE AND PROCLAMATION OF RESULTS OF ELECTION

§ 5702. Duties of Court.

§ 5702. Duties of Court. (a) Whenever the voting machine recording tapes, voting machine certificates, absentee vote tally sheets, write-in vote tally sheets and absentee ballot box for any election district are not produced when the Court convenes or whenever any voting machine is not available by 12: 00 noon, the Court may issue summary […]

§ 5703. Vote required for election.

§ 5703. Vote required for election. In all elections, unless it be otherwise expressly provided, a plurality or the highest number of votes shall make a choice, except where this principle is defeated by 2 or more persons having the same and the highest number of votes for the same office. Code 1852, § 300;  […]

§ 5704. Votes for President and Vice-President as votes for their electors.

§ 5704. Votes for President and Vice-President as votes for their electors. The Court shall calculate the votes given for the candidates for President and Vice-President of a political party as votes given for each and all the electors of President and Vice-President of such party, the names of whom are on file with the […]

§ 5705. Certificates of the results of the election; number required.

§ 5705. Certificates of the results of the election; number required. (a) After the state of the election has been ascertained by calculating the votes, the Court shall make, under the seal of the Court, the certificates of the results of the election as provided in this section and §§ 5706 and 5707 of this […]

§ 5706. Form of certificates.

§ 5706. Form of certificates. (a) The certificates of the Court of the results of the election in its county may be according to the following form: The State of Delaware, ________________________________ County, ss. Be it Remembered, that at the general election held on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, in the […]

§ 5707. Enclosing certificates in envelopes.

§ 5707. Enclosing certificates in envelopes. The Court shall enclose and seal up each certificate separately in an envelope, with an endorsement thereon describing the certificate enclosed. Upon the paper enclosing the certificates of the election of Senator or Representative in the General Assembly the name of the person chosen shall be endorsed. 21 Del. […]

§ 5708. Tie vote; certificate.

§ 5708. Tie vote; certificate. If, by reason of an equal number of votes having been cast for 2 or more persons for the office of Senator or Representative in the General Assembly, clerk of the peace, register of wills, recorder, levy court commissioner, receiver of taxes and county treasurer, sheriff, county executive or county […]

§ 5709. Disposition of certificates by the Court.

§ 5709. Disposition of certificates by the Court. (a) The Court shall, within 3 days after making the certificates of the result of the election for electors of President and Vice-President, either personally or by a person deputed by it for that purpose: (1) Transmit, deliver and lodge the certificates of the result of the […]

§ 5711. Electors for President and Vice President; announcements and certifications of election [Effective if Chapter 43A of this title governs a U.S. presidential election; see 82 Del. Laws, c. 7, § 6].

§ 5711. Electors for President and Vice President; announcements and certifications of election [Effective if Chapter 43A of this title governs a U.S. presidential election; see 82 Del. Laws, c. 7, § 6]. The Governor is the chief election official under § 4305A(3) of this title and shall, without delay, do all of the following […]

§ 5711. Electors for President and Vice President; announcements and certifications of election [Effective unless Chapter 43A of this title governs a U.S. presidential election; see 82 Del. Laws, c. 7, § 6].

§ 5711. Electors for President and Vice President; announcements and certifications of election [Effective unless Chapter 43A of this title governs a U.S. presidential election; see 82 Del. Laws, c. 7, § 6]. The Governor, after receiving the certificates under the seal of the Superior Court, of the results of the election in each county […]

§ 5713. United States Senator; announcement and certification of election; form.

§ 5713. United States Senator; announcement and certification of election; form. (a) The Governor, after receiving the certificates under the seal of the Superior Court, of the results of the election in each county for Senator from this State in the Senate of the United States, shall issue certificates of such election and deliver and […]

§ 5714. Costs.

§ 5714. Costs. All necessary costs and expenses incurred in carrying out the duties of this chapter including compensation of all personnel involved shall be paid by the State Treasurer from any moneys in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated. 15 Del. C. 1953, § 5717;  57 Del. Laws, c. 567, § 53;  66 Del. […]

§ 5715. State senatorial or representative districts.

§ 5715. State senatorial or representative districts. (a) The Court shall calculate the total votes given for the candidates for Senator or Representative to the General Assembly where the senatorial or representative district is located in 2 or more counties as follows: (1) For those senatorial or representative districts in which a majority of the […]