§ 7331. Procedure in case of failure to elect electors. If upon examining the certificates of the boards of canvass it shall appear to the Governor that there has been a failure to choose 1 or more of the electors of a President and Vice President of the United States to be appointed in this […]
§ 7332. Mode of choosing by General Assembly. In the joint meeting provided for by § 7331 of this title there shall be a distinct balloting for each elector, and a majority of all the votes given shall be necessary to an appointment; but if upon any ballotings 2 persons only shall be voted for […]
§ 7333. Member of General Assembly ineligible. No member of the General Assembly for the time being shall be appointed an elector of President and Vice-President under § 7332 of this title. Code 1852, § 406; Code 1915, § 1863; Code 1935, § 1982; 15 Del. C. 1953, § 7333;
§ 7334. Certificates of appointment by General Assembly. Certificates of appointment of electors by the General Assembly shall be duly made and signed by the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives and attested by the clerks of the houses respectively, and shall be transmitted by the President of the […]