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§ 5307. License; certification required.

§ 5307. License; certification required. (a) No person shall engage in the practice of massage and bodywork therapy or hold himself or herself out to the public in this State as being qualified to practice massage and bodywork therapy; or use in connection with that person’s name, or otherwise assume or use, any title or […]

§ 5309. Qualifications of applicants for certification as massage technicians.

§ 5309. Qualifications of applicants for certification as massage technicians. (a) An applicant who is applying for certification as a massage technician under this chapter shall submit evidence, verified by oath and satisfactory to the Board, that such person meets the requirements of § 5308(a)(5)-(11) and (e) of this title and: (1) Is at least […]

§ 5310. Reciprocity.

§ 5310. Reciprocity. Upon payment of the appropriate fee and submission and acceptance of a written application on forms provided by the Board, the Board shall grant a license to each applicant who shall present proof of current licensure, in good standing, in another state, the District of Columbia or territory of the United States, […]

§ 5311. Fees.

§ 5311. Fees. The amount to be charged for each fee imposed under this chapter shall approximate and reasonably reflect all costs necessary to defray the expenses of the Board, as well as the proportional expenses incurred by the Division of Professional Regulation in its service on behalf of the Board. There shall be a […]

§ 5312. Issuance and renewal of licenses; certification.

§ 5312. Issuance and renewal of licenses; certification. (a) The Board shall issue a license or certificate to each applicant who meets the requirements of this chapter for licensure as a massage and bodywork therapist or certification as a massage technician and who pays the fee established under § 5311 of this title. (b) Each […]

§ 5313. Grounds for discipline.

§ 5313. Grounds for discipline. (a) A practitioner licensed or certified under this chapter shall be subject to disciplinary actions set forth in § 5315 of this title, if, after a hearing, the Board finds that the massage and bodywork therapist or massage technician: (1) Has employed or knowingly cooperated in fraud or material deception […]

§ 5314. Complaints.

§ 5314. Complaints. (a) A practitioner or member of the public desiring to file a complaint against a practitioner or licensee, massage establishment, or certificate holder regulated by the Board shall file a written complaint with the Division of Professional Regulation. All complaints shall be received and investigated by the Division in accordance with the […]

§ 5315. Disciplinary sanctions.

§ 5315. Disciplinary sanctions. (a) The Board may impose any of the following sanctions, singly or in combination, when it finds that any of the conditions or violations set forth in § 5313 of this title applies to a practitioner regulated by this chapter. (1) Issue a letter of reprimand; (2) Place a practitioner on […]

§ 5316. Hearing procedures.

§ 5316. Hearing procedures. (a) If a complaint is filed with the Board pursuant to § 8735 of Title 29, alleging violation of § 5313 of this title, the Board shall set a time and place to conduct a hearing on the complaint. Notice of the hearing shall be given and the hearing conducted in […]

§ 5317. Penalties.

§ 5317. Penalties. (a) A person not currently licensed as a massage or bodywork therapist or certified as a massage technician under this chapter, when guilty of engaging in the practice of massage or bodywork therapy or of practicing as a massage technician, or using in connection with the practitioner’s own name, or otherwise assuming […]

§ 5318. Practice of massage and bodywork on minors.

§ 5318. Practice of massage and bodywork on minors. (a) A parent or legal guardian shall be present when a person licensed or certified to practice massage and bodywork under this chapter provides services to a minor, regardless of the sex of the licensed or certified person and minor. The minor may decline the presence […]

§ 5319. Qualifications of applicants for massage establishments.

§ 5319. Qualifications of applicants for massage establishments. (a) All massage establishments must be licensed pursuant to this chapter. Applications for licensure shall be submitted together with the required fees set by the Division of Professional Regulation. (b) An application for massage establishment licensure shall identify the professional-in-charge and shall include notarized acknowledgement by the […]

§ 5320. Unlicensed practice violations; penalties.

§ 5320. Unlicensed practice violations; penalties. (a) A placard, as provided by the Attorney General, shall be prominently displayed at all entrances of establishments that have failed to obtain a valid license or have a license that is suspended, revoked, or expired. (b) Whenever, in the judgment of the Division, any person has engaged in […]

§ 5321. Inspections.

§ 5321. Inspections. (a) An agent of the Division may enter and inspect during business hours, without prior notice, any massage establishment. (b) An agent of the Division acting pursuant to subsection (a) of this section: may inspect and copy records of the establishment; may inspect within reasonable limits and in a reasonable manner the […]