§ 1002. Standards for electric utility restructuring. The General Assembly declares that the following interdependent standards shall govern the Commission’s review and approval of each public utility’s restructuring plan, oversight of the transition process and regulation of the restructured electric utility industry pursuant to this chapter. (1) The reliability of electric service to all customers […]
§ 1003. Retail competition. General rule. — Except as otherwise expressly provided for in this chapter, on and after May 1, 2006, the generation, supply and sale of electricity, including all related facilities and assets, used to serve standard offer service and returning customer service, shall be treated as a public utility service or function. […]
§ 1004. Transition period. (a) The transition period for DP&L shall begin on October 1, 1999, and shall end on September 30, 2002, for nonresidential customers and shall begin on October 1, 1999, and end on September 30, 2003, for residential customers. (b) The transition period for DEC shall begin on April 1, 2000, and […]
§ 1005. Restructuring plan. (a) Restructuring plan for DP&L. — (1) Filing and contents of plan. — On or before April 15, 1999, DP&L shall file with the Commission a detailed plan for implementing retail competition in DP&L’s commission-designated service territory. Such plan shall include: a. Separate prices or rates for electric supply, transmission, distribution […]
§ 1006. Rates for customers. (a) Rates for customers within DP&L’s service territory. (1) DP&L is required to offer both standard offer service and returning customer service, except that returning customer service shall only apply to customers meeting the definitional load characteristics for such service. Customers on returning customer service may return to standard offer […]
§ 1007. Standard offer service and returning customer service supplier obligation. (a) All electric distribution companies subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission shall be the standard offer service supplier and returning customer service supplier in their distribution service territories. Customers on returning customer service may return to standard offer service after receiving returning customer […]
§ 1008. Duties of electric distribution companies. (a) Each electric distribution company shall maintain its facilities and provide products and services which are safe, efficient, sufficient, adequate, and reliable. Each electric distribution company shall implement procedures to require all electric suppliers to deliver energy to the electric distribution company at locations and in amounts which […]
§ 1009. Reciprocity. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, unless an electric utility, including a municipally-owned electric utility or a municipal electric company, has implemented a restructuring plan that provides for retail competition in its Delaware service territory, such electric utility may not use the transmission or distribution facilities of a nonaffiliated electric utility […]
§ 1010. Electric distribution companies’ obligation to serve customers. (a) The standard offer service supplier shall provide standard offer service which is safe, efficient, adequate and reliable. The Commission may take appropriate actions to ensure that the standard offer service supplier provides such safe, adequate, efficient and reliable standard offer service. (b) The Commission shall […]
§ 1011. Metering and billing. (a) The following provisions shall govern metering and billing for customers in DP&L’s service territory: (1) Each customer shall have the right to choose to receive separate bills from DP&L and from its electric supplier, or to receive a combined bill from either DP&L or its electric supplier, for electric […]
§ 1012. Certification of electric suppliers. (a) Certification requirements. — Prior to doing business in Delaware, every electric supplier seeking to provide electric supply service to customers shall obtain a certificate from the Commission. The Commission shall promulgate rules and regulations governing the information that electric suppliers shall be required to provide and requirements to […]
§ 1013. Market power remediation. (a) On or after October 1, 1999, upon complaint or upon its own motion, for good cause shown, the Commission may conduct an investigation of the retail electric supply service market and whether the function of that market is being adversely affected by market power arising from the ownership or […]
§ 1014. Public purpose programs and consumer education. (a) In separating the rates or prices for DP&L’s services under § 1005(a) of this title, the Commission shall reassign to the separate transmission and distribution rates of each rate class from the total base rates $0.000356 per kilowatt-hour to be deposited each month by DP&L into […]
§ 1015. Procedures to govern commission proceedings. (a) The Commission is authorized to enter such orders and adopt such regulations as may be needed to implement retail competition in accordance with this title. In order to allow the Commission to implement retail competition on the implementation dates set forth in [former] § 1003(b) of this […]
§ 1016. Change of control. (a) The Commission’s regulatory authority over DP&L and DEC shall not be affected by a subsequent change in stock ownership of either utility. In approving any proposed merger, mortgage, transfer, issue, assumption or acquisition, the Commission shall, in addition to considering the factors set forth in § 215 of Title […]
§ 1017. Filing information with public advocate. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to limit or constrain in any way the right of the Division of the Public Advocate to receive information pursuant to § 8716(d)(5) of Title 29. 72 Del. Laws, c. 10, § 3;
§ 1018. Electric cooperatives exempt from Commission supervision and jurisdiction. Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, any electric cooperative, while exempt from the supervision and jurisdiction of the Commission pursuant to §§ 202(g) and 223 of this title, shall be exempt from all provisions of this chapter except as specified in § 224 of […]
§ 1019. Enforcement, penalties, and sanctions. (a) If after hearing, upon notice the Commission determines that any standard offer service supplier, electric supplier or electric distribution company has, as a matter of past or present fact arising after enactment of this section: (1) Failed to comply with or violated any term or condition in any […]
§ 1020. Energy efficiency planning; loading order. (a) Integrated resource plans (IRPs) filed with the Commission pursuant to § 1007 of this title shall include a detailed description of the energy efficiency activities of the utility. Electricity demand response programs shall be directly implemented by the utility. Demand-side management and other energy efficiency activities shall […]