§ 901. License for shows and other exhibitions. (a) Whoever for money or other reward in any city or town in this State exhibits any images or pageantry, sleight of hand, tricks, puppet shows, circus, any feats of balancing, personal agility, strength or dexterity, or any theatrical exhibition, without a license first obtained as provided […]
§ 902. Exclusion of offensive patrons. The proprietor of a theatre or other public place of amusement is not obliged to receive into the proprietor’s show, or admit into the place where the proprietor is pursuing the proprietor’s occupation, any person whose presence there would be offensive to the major part of the proprietor’s spectators […]
§ 903. Shooting galleries; regulations; penalties. (a) No person shall keep a gallery or booth or other convenience for the purpose of target shooting or other trials of skill by the use of firearms within the borders of any town or city, or within 300 yards of any road or public passway, within this State, […]
§ 904. Antique slot machines. No person shall offer or make available any slot machine as a form of public amusement or entertainment. An individual may, however, possess and privately use antique slot machines if such machines are not used for gambling purposes. For purposes of this section, a slot machine is an antique slot […]
§ 905. Bowling alleys. Any person of a good moral character may keep and maintain a bowling alley or tenpin alley. The bowling alley or tenpin alley shall be kept in an orderly manner. It may not be used for purposes of gambling but simply as a means of recreation and exercise. 11 Del. Laws, […]
§ 906. Prohibition of horse racing on Good Friday or Easter Sunday. There shall be no horse racing of any kind on Good Friday or Easter Sunday. 28 Del. C. 1953, § 906; 59 Del. Laws, c. 25, § 1;
§ 907. Liability insurance required of automobile race operator; penalty. (a) Every person who is engaged in the business of conducting motor vehicle races, or who is required to be licensed as an “automobile race operator” pursuant to § 2301(a) of Title 30 shall carry comprehensive general liability insurance to protect persons sustaining bodily injury […]