§ 551. Powers with respect to historical buildings, sites, objects and archaeological resources. (a) To prevent the further loss of part of our national heritage and culture through the deterioration or neglect of historic buildings, sites, objects or archaeological resources within this State, including archaeological resources in or on subaqueous lands pursuant to Chapter 53 […]
§ 552. Acquisition of land; contracts. (a) The Department may acquire by gift, devise, purchase or otherwise, absolutely or in trust, and hold and, unless otherwise restricted by the terms of the gift or devise, encumber, convey or otherwise dispose of any real property or of any estate or interest therein as may be necessary […]
§ 553. Employees; duties. The Department shall appoint and prescribe the duties of such employees or agents as may be necessary to carry out its functions and shall fix their rate of compensation. 48 Del. Laws, c. 265, § 4; 29 Del. C. 1953, § 3353; 57 Del. Laws, c. 608, § 1B; 66 Del. […]
§ 554. Powers with respect to historical buildings, sites, objects and archaeological resources. (a) A trust fund is continued under the jurisdiction of the Department of State subject to audit by the Secretary of Finance or its authorized agents to accept, hold and administer gifts and bequests of money, securities or other personal property of […]
§ 557. Fort Christina Monument. The land acquired at “The Rocks” on the Christina River in the City of Wilmington for the purpose of creating there a state park to mark perpetually the place where the first Swedish settlers landed and the site of Fort Christina, the first permanent settlement in this State as well […]
§ 558. Erection and maintenance of historic markers; employment of expert assistance; unauthorized possession or transportation; duplication. (a) The Department of State shall: (1) Determine and select such points of historic interest throughout this State as the Department thinks should be marked with a suitable monument, tablet or marker; (2) Design, purchase and erect monuments, […]
§ 559. Display and distribution of state flag. (a) State agencies, including all public schools, shall cause the flag of this State to be displayed out-of-doors (weather permitting) on its installation, grounds or campus at each location. This section shall apply only where public buildings, including school buildings, are equipped with flagpoles. (b) To carry […]
§ 560. Freedom Trail. Consistent with the authority granted to the Department of State pursuant to §§ 551 and 552 of this title, the Department shall consider and recognize Delaware’s Underground Railroad and other historical sites associated with African American Freedom in Delaware and designate such sites with specially designated Freedom Trail markers. The Department […]