US Lawyer Database

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§ 1101. Creation of Legislative Council; composition.

§ 1101. Creation of Legislative Council; composition. There is created a Legislative Council which shall be composed of 10 members of the General Assembly as follows: (1) From the Senate: The President Pro Tem, the Majority Leader, the Minority Leader, 1 member appointed by the President Pro Tem and 1 member appointed by the Minority […]

§ 1102. Term of office; vacancy.

§ 1102. Term of office; vacancy. (a) The members of the Council who are not appointed shall serve during their term of office in the General Assembly and until their successors are selected. The members of the Council who are appointed shall be appointed at the first annual session of every new General Assembly and […]

§ 1103. Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of the Council.

§ 1103. Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson of the Council. (a) The President Pro Tem shall be Chairperson of the Council during odd-numbered years and Vice-Chairperson during even-numbered years. (b) The Speaker shall be Chairperson of the Council during even-numbered years and Vice-Chairperson during odd-numbered years. 29 Del. C. 1953, § 1103;  55 Del. Laws, c. 322;  […]

§ 1104. Duties of the Council.

§ 1104. Duties of the Council. The Council shall: (1) Summarize and digest information on matters relating to the general welfare of the State; (2) On its own initiative or at the direction of the General Assembly or of the Senate or House, make studies on subjects of interest and concern and, based thereon, recommend […]

§ 1105. Powers of the Council.

§ 1105. Powers of the Council. The Council shall: (1) Receive recommendations and suggestions for studies or legislation from all sources; (2) Appoint committees and subcommittees which shall include only members of the General Assembly and at least 1 Council member and which shall be subject to the authority of the Council; (3) Adopt such […]

§ 1106. Director of Research; qualifications; compensation; removal.

§ 1106. Director of Research; qualifications; compensation; removal. (a) The Council shall appoint, with the consent of a majority of the members elected to each House of the General Assembly, a Director of Research who shall serve full time. The Director shall: (1) Be licensed to practice law before the Supreme Court of this State; […]

§ 1107. Duties of the Director of Research.

§ 1107. Duties of the Director of Research. (a) The Director of Research shall: (1) Organize and supervise the Research Division of the Council; (2) Submit and publish such reports as the Council directs; (3) Employ or engage assistants, stenographers and other persons or research agencies, subject to the approval of the Council; (4) Assist […]

§ 1108. Meetings; quorum.

§ 1108. Meetings; quorum. (a) The Council shall meet at the call of the Chairperson and at such place as the Chairperson shall designate. Meetings of the Council shall also be called by the Chairperson upon the written request of 6 members and upon 48 hours’ notice to the members of the Council. (b) No […]

§ 1109. Annual report.

§ 1109. Annual report. The Council shall submit an annual report of its activities to the members of the General Assembly and to the Governor, which shall become a part of the journal of the Senate and House. 29 Del. C. 1953, § 1109;  55 Del. Laws, c. 322.; 

§ 1110. Controller General; responsibility; duties; compensation.

§ 1110. Controller General; responsibility; duties; compensation. (a) (1) The Council shall appoint a Controller General who, primarily, shall work with and assist the General Assembly’s Joint Finance Committee and Joint Committee on Capital Improvement. (2) The Council shall provide for additional employees, including a Deputy Controller General, as may be necessary to enable the […]