§ 901. Altering, defacing, or concealing bills or acts; penalties. (a) (1) It is unlawful to wilfully do any of the following to an act passed by the General Assembly or a bill pending before a House of the General Assembly, a committee of a House of the General Assembly, or a joint committee of […]
§ 902. Preservation of bills and resolutions passed. All bills and resolutions passed by the General Assembly which are published in the Session Laws are to be preserved by being printed, stenciled, or typewritten and not copied or transcribed with the pen. The original of all bills and resolutions are to be produced in a […]
§ 903. Appointment and duties of Bill Clerks. (a) The Senate and the House of Representatives shall appoint a Bill Clerk for their respective House of the General Assembly. (b) A Bill Clerk shall have general supervision over all bills and resolutions introduced at a session of the General Assembly. When a bill or resolution […]
§ 904. Engrossment; duty of Secretary of the Senate and Chief Clerk of the House as to passed bills or resolutions. (a) (1) If a bill or resolution is amended, the Division of Research shall prepare an engrossed copy of the bill or joint resolution for the Governor and publication in the Session Laws and […]
§ 905. Legislative journal; compiling; publication; content; disposition of originals. (a) The legislative journals for the Senate and the House of Representatives required under § 10 of Article II of the Delaware Constitution must be published following each general election for the 2-year period immediately preceding the election. (b) (1) The full title of a […]
§ 906. Publication of Session Laws; typographical errors; Executive Register. (a) (1) The Director of Research of the Legislative Council (“Director”), or the Director’s designee, shall, as soon as practicable after the adjournment of the General Assembly, have published accurately in volume form, with an index thereto, copies of all of the following: a. Bills […]
§ 910. Consideration of agency rules during legislative interim. (a) When an agency adopts a rule or regulation, or makes a substantive amendment to a rule or regulation of the agency during the legislative interim between July 1 and the second Tuesday in January, and the chair of a standing committee of either house believes […]
§ 911. Deliberative process. (a) (1) A bill, resolution, or other legislative matter assigned to a standing committee must pass through a deliberative process before being brought to the floor of either House, unless the bill or resolution is sooner petitioned out of committee. (2) The deliberative process required under paragraph (a)(1) of this section […]
§ 912. Vote requirement for ratification of amendments to United States Constitution. The General Assembly shall approve a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution by a majority of the members elected to each House of the General Assembly in a roll call vote. The vote on the proposed amendment must be entered on the […]
§ 913. Legislation affecting fees charged by state agencies. (a) The Office of the Controller General shall prepare a statement to be attached to legislation that proposes a fee to be charged by, or an increase in a fee charged by, a state agency. The statement must include an explanation of all of the following: […]
§ 914. Procedure for notice to the public of a proposed amendment to the Delaware Constitution [Contingent upon fulfillment of 83 Del. Laws, c. 217, § 2]. (a) For purposes of this section: (1) “Newspaper of general circulation” means a newspaper that meets all of the following: a. Is published at least on a weekly […]