§ 3201. Creation and membership; termination. (a) The Delaware Heritage Commission is established and shall be composed of 17 members, 15 of whom shall be citizens of the State appointed by the Governor and 2 of whom shall be ex officio. Appointed members shall serve terms of up to 3 years, excepting the Chairperson, who […]
§ 3202. Delaware Heritage Office; personnel thereof. (a) There is hereby established the Delaware Heritage Office of the Delaware Public Archives. (b) The Delaware Heritage Office may employ such personnel as the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Director of the Public Archives and the Commission, shall determine to be necessary to perform the […]
§ 3203. Powers and duties. (a) The Commission shall plan, encourage, develop, coordinate and implement observances and activities pertaining to the achievement in Delaware of liberty and independence through a constitutional government, and the significant historical events that occurred in Delaware or involved Delaware citizens during the years preceding and following the ratification and adoption […]
§ 3204. Cooperation. (a) In fulfilling its responsibilities, the Commission shall consult, cooperate with and seek advice from appropriate state departments and agencies, local public bodies, learned societies and historical, patriotic, philanthropic, civic, professional and related organizations. Heads of state departments and agencies shall cooperate with the Commission in planning, encouraging, developing and coordinating appropriate […]
§ 3205. Donations; preservation of acquisitions; expenditures. (a) The Commission may accept donations of money, property or personal services. (b) Property, including money, acquired by the Commission or by its nonprofit corporation as provided for under the provisions of § 3203 of this title shall be deposited with the Secretary of State, for the sole […]