§ 3801. The Delaware African and Caribbean Affairs Commission; creation and purpose. The Delaware African and Caribbean Affairs Commission is created for the following purpose and functions: (1) Provide the Governor, members of the General Assembly, and policy makers with recommendations required to promote the welfare and interests of all people of African descent who […]
§ 3802. Membership; qualifications; terms. (a) The Commission shall consist of 7 members who are appointed as follows: (1) Two members, appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives. (2) Two members, appointed by the President Pro Tempore of the Senate. (3) Two members, appointed by the Governor. (4) One member, appointed by the […]
§ 3803. Organization; quorum. (a) The Commission shall elect a Chairperson at its first meeting in a calendar year and the Chair shall serve until a replacement is elected. If the Chair becomes vacant, the Commission shall elect a new Chairperson at its next meeting. (b) The Chair of the Commission has all of the […]
§ 3804. Authority. The Commission shall fall under the authority of the Secretary of State and shall have such powers, duties, and functions described in § 3801 of this title and such other duties and functions as may be referred to it by the Governor, the Secretary of State, or the General Assembly. 81 Del. […]
§ 3805. Subcommittees; creation and purpose. (a) The Commission may establish subcommittees to engage with other organizations in the State that share a similar mission to exchange ideas and information and provide those organizations the opportunity to serve the Commission. (b) Any member of the Commission can make nominations of prospective subcommittee members and the […]
§ 3806. Compensation. All members of the Commission and any subcommittees established under the Commission shall serve without compensation. 81 Del. Laws, c. 21, § 1;