§ 7721. Purpose; establishment of new location. (a) For purposes of this subchapter: (1) “Attack” means any action or series of actions causing, or which may cause, substantial damage or injury to persons or property by any means, including through biological, chemical, radiological, or nuclear means or through the use of other weapons, technologies, or […]
§ 7722. Legality of acts. While the political subdivision’s public business is being conducted at the emergency temporary location established under § 7721(b) of this section, the governing body and other officers of the political subdivision shall have and possess and shall exercise, at such location, all of the executive, legislative, and judicial powers and […]
§ 7723. Conflict with other laws. Notwithstanding any law of this State, municipal charter, or ordinance of a political subdivision of this State to the contrary or in conflict with this subchapter, this subchapter controls and is supreme if it is employed as provided in this subchapter. 29 Del. C. 1953, § 7723; 53 Del. […]