§ 7901A. Objectives. The primary objective of this chapter is to provide for the registration of cemeteries in Delaware. The secondary objectives are to appropriately refer complaints from the public relating to cemeteries and to create a fund that can be used to ameliorate the conditions in a distressed cemetery. 76 Del. Laws, c. 317, […]
§ 7902A. Definitions. As used in this chapter unless otherwise stated: (1) “Abandoned cemetery” shall mean a cemetery where there is no owner of record in the respective county’s recorder of deeds records. (2) “Board” means the Cemetery Board established in this chapter. (3) “Cemetery” shall mean land or structure used or intended to be […]
§ 7903A. Cemetery Board. (a) There is established a Cemetery Board that shall consist of 5 members appointed by the Secretary of the Department of Health and Social Services including 3 who are owners or operators of cemeteries and 2 who are public members. Each member shall serve for a term of 3 years, and […]
§ 7904A. Powers and duties. The Cemetery Board shall have authority to: (1) Promulgate rules and regulations necessary to implement this chapter; (2) Designate the registration form to be used by all registrants; (3) Administer the Distressed Cemetery Fund; (4) Designate the form to be submitted by applicants for assistance from the Fund; (5) Designate […]
§ 7905A. Records. The Department shall keep a register of cemeteries in this State and records relating to meetings of the Board. 76 Del. Laws, c. 317, § 1;
§ 7906A. Registration required. All cemetery companies and cemetery owners in this State shall register every 5 years or upon change of ownership with the Cemetery Board and pay the registration fee determined by Department of Health and Social Services in an amount that approximates and reasonably reflects the costs necessary to defray the expenses […]
§ 7907A. Distressed Cemetery Fund. (a) The Distressed Cemetery Fund is funded by adding $2.00 to the fee established in § 3132 of Title 16 for each copy of a certificate of death. Individuals and organizations may also make contributions or bequests to the Fund. (b) Administrative support shall be provided by the Division of […]