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Home » US Law » 2022 Delaware Code » Title 29 - State Government » Part VIII » Departments of Government » Chapter 82. DEPARTMENT OF SAFETY AND HOMELAND SECURITY

§ 8202. Secretary; division directors; Acting Secretary; appointment.

§ 8202. Secretary; division directors; Acting Secretary; appointment. (a) The administrator and head of the Department shall be the Secretary of the Department of Safety and Homeland Security, who shall be a person qualified by training and experience to perform the duties of the office and preference shall be given to a resident of this […]

§ 8203. Powers, duties and functions of the Secretary.

§ 8203. Powers, duties and functions of the Secretary. The Secretary may: (1) Supervise, direct and account for the administration and operation of the Department, its divisions, subdivisions, offices, functions and employees; (2) Appoint, and fix the salary of, with the written approval of the Governor, the following division directors who may be removed from […]

§ 8204. Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Enforcement.

§ 8204. Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Enforcement. The Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Enforcement is established having powers, duties and functions as set forth in Chapter 4 of Title 4 and the youth access to tobacco laws in §§ 1115 through 1127 of Title 11. 63 Del. Laws, c. 195, § 2C;  69 Del. […]

§ 8205. Council on Police Training.

§ 8205. Council on Police Training. (a) There is established the Council on Police Training. (b) The Council on Police Training shall consider matters relating to police training and such other matters as may be referred to it by the Governor or the Secretary of the Department. (c) The Council on Police Training shall be […]

§ 8206. Division of State Police.

§ 8206. Division of State Police. (a) The Division of State Police is established and shall be responsible for the performance of all the powers, duties and functions heretofore vested in: (1) The State Highway Department, the State Highway Commission, the State Police and the Superintendent of the State Police, pursuant to subchapter I of […]

§ 8208. Delaware Emergency Management Agency.

§ 8208. Delaware Emergency Management Agency. (a) The Delaware Emergency Management Agency is hereby established and shall be responsible for the performance of all the powers, duties and functions heretofore vested in the Division of Civil Defense, and its predecessor, the Department of Civil Defense pursuant to Chapters 31 and 33 of Title 20. (b) […]

§ 8210. State Council for Persons with Disabilities.

§ 8210. State Council for Persons with Disabilities. (a) There is hereby established a State Council for Persons with Disabilities. (b) This Council shall have the following duties and responsibilities: (1) Promote coordination among all state programs, services and plans established for or related to persons with disabilities. (2) Review, on a continuing basis, all […]

§ 8213. Books, records; access; annual report.

§ 8213. Books, records; access; annual report. (a) The Governor’s Council on Public Safety [repealed] shall have access to all books, records, reports and other documents relating to the Department of Safety and Homeland Security unless otherwise prohibited by law. (b) The various councils of the divisions of the Department of Safety and Homeland Security […]

§ 8214. Exemptions.

§ 8214. Exemptions. The following positions set forth in this chapter shall be exempt from Chapter 59 of this title: (1) Secretary of Public Safety; (2) Superintendent of State Police; (3) Director of Civil Defense; (4) Director of Alcohol and Tobacco Enforcement; (5) Director of the Division of Forensic Science; and (6) Chief Medical Examiner. […]

§ 8215. Assumption of powers.

§ 8215. Assumption of powers. The Department, through appropriate divisions, subdivisions and offices, shall have the power to perform and shall be responsible for the performance of all of the powers, duties and functions vested by law in the State Police Division of the State Highway Department, the Superintendent of the State Police, the State […]

§ 8216. Appeals.

§ 8216. Appeals. Any and all rights of appeal now existing by law with respect to any act or acts constituting the exercise of any functions hereby transferred to the Department or to any division or subdivision thereof shall continue to exist with respect to such act or acts as hereafter performed by the Department […]

§ 8217. Definitions and references in other laws.

§ 8217. Definitions and references in other laws. (a) The Department shall succeed to the custody and control of all moneys and personal property held by the State Police Division of the State Highway Department, the Superintendent of the State Police, the Motor Vehicle Division of the State Highway Department and the Motor Vehicle Commissioner […]

§ 8218. Annual report.

§ 8218. Annual report. The Secretary of the Department shall make an annual report to the Governor and the General Assembly of the Department’s operations and render such other reports as the Governor or General Assembly may from time to time request or as may be required by law. 29 Del. C. 1953, § 8218;  […]

§ 8219. Misnomer of Department in donation.

§ 8219. Misnomer of Department in donation. Any misnomer shall not defeat or annul any gift, grant, devise or bequest to the Department if it sufficiently appears by the will, conveyance or other writing that the party making the same intended to pass and convey thereby to the Department or to any commission, board, department, […]

§ 8220. Budgeting and financing.

§ 8220. Budgeting and financing. (a) The Secretary, in cooperation with the division directors, shall prepare a proposed budget for the operation of the Department to be submitted for the consideration of the Governor and the General Assembly. The Department shall be operated within the limitation of the annual appropriation and any other funds appropriated […]

§ 8221. Supremacy.

§ 8221. Supremacy. All other laws or parts of laws now in effect inconsistent with this chapter are hereby repealed, superseded, modified or amended so far as necessary to conform to, and give full force and effect to, this chapter. 29 Del. C. 1953, § 8222;  57 Del. Laws, c. 670, § 27; 

§ 8222. Short title.

§ 8222. Short title. Sections 8223-8230 of this title shall be known and may be cited as the “Hazardous Materials Transportation Act of 1979.” 62 Del. Laws, c. 123, § 1;  68 Del. Laws, c. 290, § 188; 

§ 8223. Declaration of policy; findings of fact.

§ 8223. Declaration of policy; findings of fact. (a) The purpose of this Act and the primary standard by which it shall be administered, is to so regulate the transportation of hazardous materials, and assure compliance with the Code of Federal Regulations herein adopted, that there is established and maintained a reasonable balance between the […]

§ 8224. Definitions.

§ 8224. Definitions. (a) The following words and phrases shall have the following meaning ascribed to them, unless their context implies otherwise: (1) “Act” means the Hazardous Materials Transportation Act of 1979. (2) “Commission” means the State Emergency Response Commission as established by § 8226 of this title. (3) “Hazardous material” means any substance or […]