§ 8790A. Definitions. The following words and terms, unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning, shall have the following respective meanings: (1) “Authority” means the Delaware Economic Development Authority created by § 8753A of this title. (2) “Chairperson” means the Chairperson of the Authority. (3) “Chief elected official” means the highest elected official of […]
§ 8791A. Allocation of state ceiling. (a) The state ceiling applicable to the State for each calendar year is allocated, and the volume cap for the state and local governmental issuers for each calendar year after 1987 is, as follows: Annual Volume Cap State 50.0 Percent New Castle County 17.5 Percent City of Wilmington 12.5 […]
§ 8792A. Industrial Revenue Bond Committee. (a) There is hereby established the Industrial Revenue Bond Committee, to be composed of the Chairperson, the Secretary of Finance, a representative of the Delaware State Housing Authority and 1 representative each from Sussex County, New Castle County, Kent County and the City of Wilmington, appointed by each jurisdiction […]
§ 8793A. Reports to Secretary of Finance. (a) The Secretary of Finance is authorized to make such rules and regulations requiring any issuer allocated a volume cap for any calendar year under § 8791A of this title to file with the Secretary of Finance such reports as the Secretary of Finance may deem necessary to […]