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Home » US Law » 2022 Delaware Code » Title 29 - State Government » Part VIII » Departments of Government » Chapter 90A. OFFICE OF THE CHILD ADVOCATE

§ 9001A. Intent and purpose.

§ 9001A. Intent and purpose. The General Assembly hereby declares that the welfare of the children of this State shall be safeguarded by the establishment of an Office of the Child Advocate, with a Child Advocate who shall also serve as Executive Director of the Child Protection Accountability Commission. The Child Advocate shall be responsible […]

§ 9002A. Definitions.

§ 9002A. Definitions. For the purposes of this chapter, unless the context indicates differently: (1) “Abuse” or “abused child” is as defined in § 901 of Title 10. (2) “Adult” means a person who has reached his or her eighteenth birthday; (3) “Attorney” means an attorney authorized to practice law in the State, who is […]

§ 9003A. Appointment and dismissal.

§ 9003A. Appointment and dismissal. The Child Advocate shall be appointed by the Executive Committee of the Child Protection Accountability Commission and shall serve at its pleasure. 72 Del. Laws, c. 167, § 2; 

§ 9004A. Appropriation for expenses.

§ 9004A. Appropriation for expenses. The General Assembly may annually appropriate such sums as it may deem necessary for the payment of the salary of the Child Advocate, the assistants, and the staff, and for the payment of actual expenses incurred by the Office of Child Advocate. 72 Del. Laws, c. 167, § 2; 

§ 9005A. Duties of the Child Advocate.

§ 9005A. Duties of the Child Advocate. The Child Advocate shall perform the following duties: (1) Take all possible actions, including programs of public education and legislative advocacy, to secure and ensure the legal, civil, and special rights of the children. (2) Review periodically relevant policies and procedures with a view toward the rights of […]

§ 9006A. Confidentiality.

§ 9006A. Confidentiality. (1) All records of the Office pertaining to the care and treatment of a child are confidential, including the identity of any person seeking assistance from the Office on behalf of a child. Information contained in those records may not be disclosed, except for good cause shown on order of a court, […]

§ 9007A. Legal representation of children.

§ 9007A. Legal representation of children. (a) Purpose. — (1) The General Assembly has recognized the need to safeguard the welfare of abused, neglected and dependent children in this State. As such, it has charged the Office of the Child Advocate with ensuring legal representation in child welfare proceedings. To this end, the Office shall […]

§ 9008A. Indemnification from liability.

§ 9008A. Indemnification from liability. No attorney, director, investigator, social worker or other person employed or contracted by or volunteering for the Office of Child Advocate shall be subject to suit directly, derivatively or by way of contribution or indemnification for any civil damages under the laws of Delaware resulting from any act or omission […]

§ 9009A. Extended jurisdiction — Child abuse, dependency and neglect.

§ 9009A. Extended jurisdiction — Child abuse, dependency and neglect. Notwithstanding any provision in this chapter to the contrary, the Office of the Child Advocate is authorized to provide representation under this chapter to youth for whom jurisdiction has been extended under § 929 of Title 10. 77 Del. Laws, c. 385, § 3; 

§ 9010A. Court Appointed Special Advocate Program.

§ 9010A. Court Appointed Special Advocate Program. The Court Appointed Special Advocate Program shall provide legal representation to children through the Office of the Child Advocate, and shall be administered as follows: (1) The Program shall include volunteers who have demonstrated an interest in children and their welfare and have participated in background checks, interviews […]