§ 9001D. Establishment of Department of Human Resources.
§ 9001D. Establishment of Department of Human Resources. A Department of Human Resources, referred to in this chapter as “Department,” is hereby established. 81 Del. Laws, c. 66, § 1;
§ 9001D. Establishment of Department of Human Resources. A Department of Human Resources, referred to in this chapter as “Department,” is hereby established. 81 Del. Laws, c. 66, § 1;
§ 9002D. Secretary; appointment; salary; employees and assistants. (a) There shall be a Secretary of the Department of Human Resources, hereinafter referred to in this chapter as “Secretary,” to be appointed by and to serve at the pleasure of the Governor, with the advice and consent of the Senate. The Secretary shall be paid a […]
§ 9003D. General powers and duties. The Secretary of the Department of Human Resources shall have the following powers, duties and functions: (1) To supervise, direct and account for the administration and operation of the Department, its divisions, subdivisions, offices, functions and employees. (2) To supervise and direct all human resources and benefits employees in […]
§ 9004D. Exemptions. The following positions set forth in this section shall be exempt from Chapter 59 of this title: (1) Secretary of the Department of Human Resources. (2) Deputy Secretary. (3) Director of Personnel Management. (4) Chief Diversity Officer. (5) Director of Labor Relations and Employment Practices. (6) Director of Statewide Benefits. (7) Director […]
§ 9005D. Division of Personnel Management. (a) The Division of Personnel Management of the Department of Human Resources is hereby established, having the powers, duties and functions as follows. Consistent with the right of public employees to organize under Chapter 13 of Title 19, the Director of Personnel Management shall have the following responsibilities: (1) […]
§ 9006D. Division of Diversity and Inclusion. (a) The Division of Diversity and Inclusion of the Department of Human Resources is hereby established having powers, duties and functions as follows: (1) The Division shall assume all responsibilities and oversight previously assigned to the Governor’s Council on Equal Employment Opportunity. (2) The Chief Diversity Officer shall […]
§ 9007D. Division of Labor Relations and Employment Practices. (a) The Division of Labor Relations and Employment Practices of the Department of Human Resources is hereby established having powers, duties and functions as follows. The Director of the Division of Labor Relations and Employment Practices shall have the following responsibilities: (1) To establish management practices […]
§ 9008D. Division of Statewide Benefits. (a) The Division of Statewide Benefits of the Department of Human Resources is hereby established having powers, duties and functions as follows. With the exception of deferred compensation pursuant to Chapter 60A of this title and any other investment or retirement savings plan, the Director of Statewide Benefits shall […]
§ 9009D. Office of Women’s Advancement and Advocacy. (a) The Office of Women’s Advancement and Advocacy is hereby established as a unit of the Department of Human Resources with the purpose of promoting the equality and equity of women in all areas of society. For administrative and budgetary purposes only, the Director of the Office […]
§ 9010D. Counsel; powers and duties. Notwithstanding § 2507 of this title, the Department shall employ 1 counsel experienced in the field of labor and employment law, who may advise the Department on matters of labor and employment law and who shall assist the Department in developing standards, policies, programs and training materials that satisfy […]
§ 9011D. Functions prior to July 1, 2017. The Department of Human Resources, through appropriate divisions, subdivisions and offices, shall have the power to perform and responsibility to perform all the powers, duties and functions that were vested in the Human Resource Management and the Benefits and Insurance Administration Sections of the Office of Management […]
§ 9012D. Appeals. Any and all rights of appeal now existing by law, with respect to any act or acts constituting the exercise of any function or functions transferred by this chapter to the Department of Human Resources or to any division or subdivision or office thereof, shall continue to exist with respect to such […]
§ 9013D. Transfers and continuity. (a) All books, records, papers, maps, charts, plans and other material including any equipment in the possession of any agency of the State and used in connection with a function transferred by this chapter to the Department of Human Resources shall, on July 1, 2017, be delivered into the custody […]
§ 9014D. Misnomer in donation. Any misnomer shall not defeat or annul any gift, grant, devise or bequest to the Department of Human Resources or any predecessor agency thereof if it sufficiently appears by the will, conveyance or other writing that the party making the same intended to pass and convey thereby the estate or […]
§ 9015D. Supremacy. All other laws or parts of laws now in effect inconsistent with this chapter are repealed, superseded, modified or amended so far as necessary to conform to and give full force and effect to this chapter. 81 Del. Laws, c. 66, § 1;