§ 401. Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Enforcement. The Division of Alcohol and Tobacco Enforcement of the Department of Safety and Homeland Security is established as follows for the administrative, ministerial, budgetary and clerical functions for the enforcement of the alcohol laws of this Code and youth access to tobacco laws in §§ 1115 through […]
§ 403. Duties and powers of the Division. The Division shall: (1) Investigate, prevent and arrest for violations of this title, make seizure of alcoholic liquor, manufactured, sold, kept or transported in contravention thereof, and confiscate such alcoholic liquor whenever required by any provision of this title; (2) Arrange for the proper sampling, testing and […]
§ 404. Employees of the Division. The Department of Safety and Homeland Security shall appoint, employ or dismiss every officer or employee necessary for carrying out the work of the Division, establish salaries, subject to the Annual Appropriation in the Budget Act, and assign them their official titles and duties, and engage the services of […]