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Home » US Law » 2022 Delaware Code » Title 4 - Alcoholic Liquors » Chapter 9. CRIMINAL OFFENSES AND PENALTIES

§ 901. Offenses carrying penalty of imprisonment for 3 to 6 months.

§ 901. Offenses carrying penalty of imprisonment for 3 to 6 months. Whoever: (1) Peddles any alcoholic liquor; or (2) Keeps, sells or dispenses alcoholic liquor in a disorderly house; or (3) Being an employee of the Commissioner and/or Division, infringes any of the provisions of this title; or (4) Not being the holder of […]

§ 904. Offenses concerning certain persons.

§ 904. Offenses concerning certain persons. (a) (1) Whoever sells any alcoholic liquor to any person who has not reached the age of 21 years, or sells to any person of more than such age any alcoholic liquor knowing that such alcoholic liquor is bought for a person who is less than 21 years of […]

§ 905. Unlicensed manufacture of alcoholic liquor; possession of still, apparatus, mash, etc., by unlicensed person.

§ 905. Unlicensed manufacture of alcoholic liquor; possession of still, apparatus, mash, etc., by unlicensed person. (a) Whoever manufactures any alcoholic liquor without having first obtained from the Commissioner a license authorizing such manufacture, or, not being the holder of a license to manufacture alcoholic liquor, has at any time possession of any still, receptacle, […]

§ 906. Transportation and shipment.

§ 906. Transportation and shipment. (a) Whoever transports or ships alcoholic liquor in violation of the requirements of § 718 of this title, or, in connection with such transportation or shipment, knowingly has in his or her possession a waybill giving a false name or a false address, or transports by any vehicle any alcoholic […]

§ 907. Interference with officer or inspector.

§ 907. Interference with officer or inspector. Whoever interferes with or hinders any officer or inspector authorized by the Director to investigate any infringements of this title or to make any search, examination or seizure, in the performance of the officer’s or inspector’s duties to that end, shall, in addition to any other penalty which […]

§ 908. Failure of licensee to file report.

§ 908. Failure of licensee to file report. Whoever, being the holder of a license for the sale of alcoholic liquor, neglects or refuses to make a return to the Commissioner, within 10 days immediately following the date indicated by the Commissioner, of his or her purchases and sales of alcoholic liquor as provided in […]

§ 909. Violation of rules respecting liquor taxes.

§ 909. Violation of rules respecting liquor taxes. Whoever violates any rule or regulation made and published by the Commissioner respecting the collection and payment of taxes, as provided in § 581(d) of this title, shall be fined not more than $1,000 and the costs of prosecution. 38 Del. Laws, c. 18, § 16;  Code […]

§ 910. Offenses without specific penalty.

§ 910. Offenses without specific penalty. Whoever violates any provision of this title or any regulation of the Commissioner adopted and published under the authority of this title, for which no penalty is provided in this chapter, shall, in addition to the payment of costs, be fined or imprisoned, or both. 38 Del. Laws, c. […]

§ 911. Penalty for partnerships and associations.

§ 911. Penalty for partnerships and associations. Wherever the penalty for an offense committed consists of imprisonment in whole or in part and the accused is a corporation, partnership or other association of persons, the penalty shall be a fine of $2,000 in addition to the costs. 38 Del. Laws, c. 18, § 47;  Code […]

§ 912. Exemption of employees of Commissioner and/or Division.

§ 912. Exemption of employees of Commissioner and/or Division. No officer or inspector employed by the Commissioner and/or Division for the enforcement of this title, when acting in the officer’s or inspector’s official capacity, shall incur any of the penalties exacted by this chapter for the punishment of those who obtain alcoholic liquor either from […]

§ 914. Authority to suspend licenses and/or impose fines.

§ 914. Authority to suspend licenses and/or impose fines. Whenever the Commissioner has found a licensee to be guilty of a violation of the rules of the Commissioner or the Delaware Liquor Control Act, in addition to the power and authority granted to the Commissioner by this title, the Commissioner shall have the power and […]

§ 915. Licensees pleading guilty; voluntary fines; limitation.

§ 915. Licensees pleading guilty; voluntary fines; limitation. The Commissioner is authorized to create a “voluntary fine assessment plan,” with fines not to exceed $5,000, available to any licensee who pleads guilty to any violation of the Commissioner rules. Where a licensee chooses to pay a voluntary fine under the plan, such licensee shall have […]

§ 916. Penalties imposed against licensees who threaten employees.

§ 916. Penalties imposed against licensees who threaten employees. No licensee or representative thereof may discipline, threaten or otherwise penalize an employee for refusing to violate rules of the Commissioner and/or Division or statutes of the State. Any licensee violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to the penalties described in § 561(b)(10), […]