§ 9101. Definitions. As used in this chapter: “County offices” or “county officers” means the elected or appointed public officers of the respective counties and includes county council members, Levy Court Commissioners, clerks of the peace, members of the boards of assessment, receivers of taxes and county treasurers, collectors of delinquent taxes, registers of wills, […]
§ 9102. Location of offices. The county government of each county shall provide and assign office space for the respective county offices and, whenever occasion requires, may change such space and assign different space. The county officers shall occupy, and their offices shall be located, in the space assigned to them from time to time […]
§ 9103. Record books and supplies. The county government of each county shall provide for the county offices in their respective counties, the necessary record books, cases, seals and supplies for the use of the offices, for the preservation and security of the public records, the convenience of business, and for public accommodation. Code 1852, […]
§ 9104. Records. The county officers shall keep all records, books, papers and other things belonging to their offices, in their respective offices. Code 1852, § 22; Code 1915, § 1430; Code 1935, § 1588; 47 Del. Laws, c. 248, § 1; 48 Del. Laws, c. 298, § 1; 9 Del. C. 1953, § 9104;
§ 9105. County offices; days open; penalties. (a) County offices shall be open each day except legal holidays, Saturdays and Sundays. (b) If a county officer refuses or neglects to attend at his or her office for the transaction of business, as required in subsection (a) of this section, the county officer shall be fined […]
§ 9106. Saturday as legal holiday for New Castle County and City of Wilmington. Each Saturday shall be a legal holiday for all elective and appointed officials, deputies, clerks, bailiffs and other employees of New Castle County, including all officials and employees of the government of New Castle County and for all elective officials of […]
§ 9107. Authorization to pay employees on day preceding holiday. Each county government, whenever the pay day for employees falls on a holiday, Saturday or Sunday, may pay the employees their salaries on the day immediately preceding the holiday, Saturday or Sunday. 47 Del. Laws, c. 172, § 1; 9 Del. C. 1953, § 9107; […]
§ 9108. Disposition of fees. All the fees, costs, allowances and other perquisites which are taxable and paid to any county officer for any official service rendered by any such officer, shall be for the sole use of the county of such officer, and when received shall be paid to the receiver of taxes and […]
§ 9109. Duty to account for fees. (a) Every county officer in each of the counties shall collect all fees, costs and allowances by law taxable by or payable to such officer, without any deduction, abatement or remission, except fees, costs and allowances payable by the county to such officers, and shall keep in a […]
§ 9110. Fee book; inspection and examination. The fee book mentioned in this chapter shall be a part of the records of the office for which it is kept, and shall be at all times open to inspection and examination. 23 Del. Laws, c. 60, § 12; Code 1915, § 1444; Code 1935, § 1603; […]
§ 9111. Audit of fees. The Departments of Finance of New Castle County and of Sussex County shall, during the months of January and July in each year, audit, inspect, and examine the books, accounts, papers, records, and dockets of the several county officers and ascertain the amounts due to the county in fees. During […]
§ 9112. Liability for fees. Each county officer is made liable upon his or her respective official bond, for the payment to the receiver of taxes and county treasurer or the department of finance of the county of such officer of all the fees which such officer shall collect. All the official bonds to be […]
§ 9113. Penalties for failure to collect and pay over fees. (a) If any county officer fails, neglects or refuses for 10 days to pay over all fees, costs, allowances and perquisites he or she receives and collects for use of the county of such officer, or fails to collect the fees required to be […]
§ 9114. Bonds of coroner, recorder, clerk of the peace and register of wills. (a) Every coroner, recorder and clerk of the peace, elected or appointed for any county shall, at the next term of the Superior Court in that county, after his or her election or appointment, before entering upon the duties of his […]
§ 9116. Cancellation of bonds. The several bonds and recognizances of the several officers provided for in §§ 9114 and [former] 9115 [repealed] of this title as well as the official bond of any constable of the several counties shall be cancelled 3 years after the expiration of the terms of office of the several […]
§ 9117. Satisfaction of bonds. The bonds filed and recorded in the offices of the recorders of deeds in this State shall at the time designated in § 9116 of this title be marked by the recorder “cancelled” and under the word “cancelled” the recorder shall sign his or her name as recorder and shall […]
§ 9118. Bond of sheriffs. (a) Every sheriff elected or appointed in any of the counties of this State, before entering upon that sheriff’s office, shall, with sufficient surety or sureties, become bound to the State, by a joint and several obligation to be, with the surety or sureties therein, approved by the Judge resident […]
§ 9119. Violation of bond requirements; penalty. Whoever, being an officer within the provisions of §§ 9114 and [former] 9115 [repealed] of this title, neglects to comply with such sections, shall be fined not less than $500 nor more than $1,000, and shall, ipso facto, forfeit his or her office. Code 1852, § 444; Code […]
§ 9120. Bonds of officers in Sussex County. Every public officer of Sussex County who is required by law to give a bond for the faithful performance of his or her duties to be approved by the judges of the Superior Court or Court of Chancery shall execute such bond before entering upon the duties […]
§ 9121. Uniform mileage payments. The authorized mileage rate for officers or employees of the several counties who receive mileage from the respective county governments for miles driven in their private motor vehicles shall be at a rate to be determined by levy court or county council. 48 Del. Laws, c. 235, § 1; 9 […]