741.01 County court judge or clerk of the circuit court to issue marriage license; fee.— (1) Every marriage license shall be issued by a county court judge or clerk of the circuit court under his or her hand and seal. The county court judge or clerk of the circuit court shall issue such license, upon application for […]
741.011 Installment payments.—An applicant for a marriage license who is unable to pay the fees required under s. 741.01 in a lump sum may make payment in not more than three installments over a period of 90 days. The clerk shall accept installment payments upon receipt of an affidavit that the applicant is unable to pay […]
741.02 Additional fee.—Upon the receipt of each application for the issuance of a marriage license, the county court judge or clerk of the circuit court shall, in addition to the fee allowed by s. 741.01, collect and receive an additional fee of $4, to be distributed as provided by s. 382.022. History.—s. 1, ch. 11869, 1927; […]
741.03 County court judge or clerk of the circuit court not to send out marriage license signed in blank.—It is unlawful for any county court judge or clerk of the circuit court in the state to send out of his or her office any marriage license signed in blank to be issued upon application to persons […]
741.0305 Marriage fee reduction for completion of premarital preparation course.— (1) A man and a woman who intend to apply for a marriage license under s. 741.04 may, together or separately, complete a premarital preparation course of not less than 4 hours. Each individual shall verify completion of the course by filing with the application a valid […]
741.0306 Creation of a family law handbook.— (1) Based upon their willingness to undertake this project, there shall be created by the Family Law Section of The Florida Bar a handbook explaining those sections of Florida law pertaining to the rights and responsibilities under Florida law of marital partners to each other and to their children, both […]
741.04 Issuance of marriage license.— (1) A county court judge or clerk of the circuit court may not issue a license to marry to any person younger than 18 years of age, unless: (a) The person is at least 17 years of age and provides the written consent of his or her parents or legal guardian, which is […]
741.041 Marriage license application valid for 60 days.—Marriage licenses shall be valid only for a period of 60 days after issuance, and no person shall perform any ceremony of marriage after the expiration date of such license. The county court judge or clerk of the circuit court shall recite on each marriage license the final date […]
741.05 Penalty for violation of s. 741.03 or s. 741.04(2).—Any county court judge, clerk of the circuit court, or other person who violates s. 741.03 or s. 741.04(2) commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083. History.—s. 3, ch. 7828, 1919; CGL 7517; s. 692, ch. 71-136; s. […]
741.07 Persons authorized to solemnize matrimony.— (1) All regularly ordained ministers of the gospel or elders in communion with some church, or other ordained clergy, and all judicial officers, including retired judicial officers, clerks of the circuit courts, and notaries public of this state may solemnize the rights of matrimonial contract, under the regulations prescribed by law. […]
741.08 Marriage not to be solemnized without a license.—Before any of the persons named in s. 741.07 shall solemnize any marriage, he or she shall require of the parties a marriage license issued according to the requirements of s. 741.01, and within 10 days after solemnizing the marriage he or she shall make a certificate thereof […]
741.09 Record of license and certificate.—The county court judge and clerk of the circuit court shall keep a correct record of all marriage licenses issued, with the names of the parties and the date of issuing, and upon the return of the license and certificate shall enter therein the name of the person solemnizing the marriage […]
741.10 Proof of marriage where no certificate available.—When any marriage is or has been solemnized by any of the persons named in s. 741.07, and such person has not made a certificate thereof on the marriage license as required by s. 741.08, or when the marriage license has been lost, or when by reason of death […]
741.21 Incestuous marriages prohibited.—A man may not marry any woman to whom he is related by lineal consanguinity, nor his sister, nor his aunt, nor his niece. A woman may not marry any man to whom she is related by lineal consanguinity, nor her brother, nor her uncle, nor her nephew. History.—RS 2602; GS 3525; RGS […]
741.211 Common-law marriages void.—No common-law marriage entered into after January 1, 1968, shall be valid, except that nothing contained in this section shall affect any marriage which, though otherwise defective, was entered into by the party asserting such marriage in good faith and in substantial compliance with this chapter. History.—s. 1, ch. 67-571.
741.212 Marriages between persons of the same sex.— (1) Marriages between persons of the same sex entered into in any jurisdiction, whether within or outside the State of Florida, the United States, or any other jurisdiction, either domestic or foreign, or any other place or location, or relationships between persons of the same sex which are treated […]
741.23 Husband not liable for wife’s torts.—The common-law rule whereby a husband is liable for the torts of his wife is hereby abrogated. History.—s. 1, ch. 26829, 1951.
741.235 Doctrine of interspousal tort immunity abrogated.—The common-law doctrine of interspousal tort immunity is hereby abrogated with regard to the intentional tort of battery, and the ability of a person to sue another person for the intentional tort of battery shall not be affected by any marital relationship between the persons. History.—s. 1, ch. 85-328.
741.24 Civil action against parents; willful destruction or theft of property by minor.— (1) Any municipal corporation, county, school district, or department of Florida; any person, partnership, corporation, or association; or any religious organization, whether incorporated or unincorporated, shall be entitled to recover damages in an appropriate action at law, in a court of competent jurisdiction, from […]
741.28 Domestic violence; definitions.—As used in ss. 741.28-741.31: (1) “Department” means the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. (2) “Domestic violence” means any assault, aggravated assault, battery, aggravated battery, sexual assault, sexual battery, stalking, aggravated stalking, kidnapping, false imprisonment, or any criminal offense resulting in physical injury or death of one family or household member by another family or […]