744.301 Natural guardians.— (1) The parents jointly are the natural guardians of their own children and of their adopted children, during minority, unless the parents’ parental rights have been terminated pursuant to chapter 39. If a child is the subject of any proceeding under chapter 39, the parents may act as natural guardians under this section unless […]
744.3021 Guardians of minors.— (1) Except as provided in subsection (4), upon petition of a parent, brother, sister, next of kin, or other person interested in the welfare of a minor, a guardian for a minor may be appointed by the court without the necessity of adjudication pursuant to s. 744.331. A guardian appointed for a minor, […]
744.3025 Claims of minors.— (1)(a) The court may appoint a guardian ad litem to represent the minor’s interest before approving a settlement of the minor’s portion of the claim in a case in which a minor has a claim for personal injury, property damage, wrongful death, or other cause of action in which the gross settlement of […]
744.3031 Emergency temporary guardianship.— (1) A court, prior to appointment of a guardian but after a petition for determination of incapacity has been filed pursuant to this chapter, may appoint an emergency temporary guardian for the person or property, or both, of an alleged incapacitated person. The court must specifically find that there appears to be imminent […]
744.304 Standby guardianship.— (1) Upon a petition by the natural guardians or a guardian appointed under s. 744.3021, the court may appoint a standby guardian of the person or property of a minor. The court may also appoint an alternate to the guardian to act if the standby guardian does not serve or ceases to serve after […]
744.3045 Preneed guardian.— (1) A competent adult may name a preneed guardian by making a written declaration that names such guardian to serve in the event of the declarant’s incapacity. (2) The written declaration must reasonably identify the declarant and preneed guardian and be signed by the declarant in the presence of at least two attesting witnesses present […]
744.3046 Preneed guardian for minor.— (1) Both parents, natural or adoptive, if living, or the surviving parent, may nominate a preneed guardian of the person or property or both of the parent’s minor child by making a written declaration that names such guardian to serve if the minor’s last surviving parent becomes incapacitated or dies. The declarant […]
744.306 Foreign guardians.— (1) When the residence of a ward of a foreign guardian is moved to this state, the guardian shall, within 60 days after such change of residence, file the authenticated order of her or his appointment with the clerk of the court in the county where the ward resides. Such order shall be recognized […]
744.307 Foreign guardian may manage the property of nonresident ward.— (1) A guardian of the property of a nonresident ward, duly appointed by a court of another state, territory, or country, who desires to manage any part or all of the property of the ward located in this state, may file a petition showing his or her […]
744.308 Resident guardian of the property of nonresident ward.— (1) The court may appoint a person qualified under s. 744.309 as guardian of a nonresident ward’s property upon the petition of a foreign guardian, next of kin, or creditor of the ward, regardless of whether he or she has a foreign guardian or not. (2) The petition for […]
744.3085 Guardian advocates.—A circuit court may appoint a guardian advocate, without an adjudication of incapacity, for a person with developmental disabilities if the person lacks the capacity to do some, but not all, of the tasks necessary to care for his or her person, property, or estate, or if the person has voluntarily petitioned for the […]