985.801 Interstate Compact on Juveniles; implementing legislation; legislative findings and policy.— (1) It is hereby found and declared: (a) That juveniles who are not under proper supervision and control, or who have absconded, escaped or run away, are likely to endanger their own health, morals, and welfare, and the health, morals, and welfare of others; (b) That the cooperation […]
985.802 Execution of interstate compact for juveniles.—The Governor is authorized and directed to execute a compact on behalf of this state with any other state or states legally joining thereto in the form substantially as follows. This compact does not interfere with this state’s authority to determine policy regarding juvenile offenders and nonoffenders within this state. […]
985.8025 State Council for Interstate Juvenile Offender Supervision.— (1) Pursuant to Article IX of the Interstate Compact for Juveniles in s. 985.802, the State Council for Interstate Juvenile Offender Supervision is created. The purpose of the council is to oversee state participation in the activities of the Interstate Commission for Juveniles. (2) The council shall consist of seven […]