There is created a Department of Natural Resources. There is created the position of commissioner of natural resources. The commissioner shall be both appointed and removed by the Board of Natural Resources subject to approval of the Governor. Subject to the general policy established by the Board of Natural Resources, the commissioner shall supervise, direct, […]
As used in this Code section, the term: “Public practice of soil science” means any service or work, the adequate performance of which requires education in the physical, chemical, and biological sciences, as well as soil science; training and experience in the application of special knowledge of these sciences to the use and management of […]
The department shall be authorized to acquire, operate, maintain, house, and dispose of all state aviation assets assigned to the department, to provide aviation services and oversight of such state aircraft and aviation operations for the mission of the department and legitimate state business purposes, to achieve policy objectives through aviation missions, and to provide […]
There is created within the Department of Natural Resources an Environmental Protection Division. The division shall have a director who shall be both appointed and removed by the Board of Natural Resources with the approval of the Governor. The director shall appoint an assistant director of the division. The director and the assistant director shall […]
It shall be the objectives of the department: To have the powers, duties, and authority formerly vested in the Division of Conservation and the commissioner of conservation; By means of investigation, recommendation, and print or electronic publication, to aid: In the promotion of the conservation and development of the natural resources of the state; In […]
The department shall make investigations of the natural mining industry and commercial resources of the state and shall take such measures as it may deem best suited to promote the conservation and development of such resources. The department shall have the care of the state parks and other recreational areas now owned or to be […]
On the coastal islands of the State of Georgia, where there is no causeway or other means of land transportation and where essential services are not otherwise provided, the department is authorized to contract for or to provide essential services and water transportation for the employees of the department and their families, other state employees […]
In carrying out its objectives, the department is authorized to arrange for and accept such aid and cooperation from the several United States governmental bureaus and departments and from such other sources as may lend assistance. The commissioner is authorized to accept the services of individuals without compensation as volunteers for or in aid of […]
The department shall have the duty of providing special counsel to the Governor concerning environmental matters affecting the state. In providing counsel to the Governor on environmental matters, the department shall: Advise the Governor on comprehensive environmental policy for the state; Develop guidelines for balancing environmental quality with economic development; Study and from time to […]
The local governments of the State of Georgia are of vital importance to the state and its citizens. The state has an essential public interest in promoting, developing, sustaining, and assisting local governments. The natural resources, environment, and vital areas of the state are also of vital importance to the state and its citizens. The […]
All commercial analytical laboratories submitting data for regulatory purposes shall be accredited or approved as specified in the Environmental Protection Division’s rules and regulations. Such regulations shall provide for procedures, identification of accrediting organizations, reciprocity, and an effective date which allows a phase-in period; provided, however, that the effective date of such rules and regulations […]