In addition to garnishment proceedings otherwise available under this chapter, in all cases when a money judgment was obtained in a court of this state or a federal court or is being enforced in this state as provided in Article 5 of Chapter 12 of Title 9, the “Uniform Foreign-Country Money Judgments Recognition Act,” or […]
In addition to the information required by subsection (a) of Code Section 18-4-3, an affidavit of continuing garnishment shall state that the plaintiff believes that the garnishee is or may be an employer of or under periodic obligations for payment to the defendant and subject to continuing garnishment. Only one summons of continuing garnishment shall […]
As used in this Code section, the term “previous garnishee answer date” means the date upon which the immediately preceding garnishee answer was filed. If the garnishee owes the defendant any sum for wages earned as the garnishee’s employee or any sum for goods or services periodically provided to the garnishee, the garnishee answer shall […]
When a garnishee fails or refuses to file a garnishee answer at least once every 45 days, such garnishee shall automatically be in default. The default may be opened as provided in Code Section 18-4-21. If the case is still in default after the expiration of the period of 15 days, judgment by default may […]