As used in this chapter, the term: “Brand name” means any word, name, symbol, or device or any combination thereof identifying the commercial feed of a distributor or licensee and distinguishing it from that of others. “Commercial feed” means all materials except whole, unmixed seed, when not adulterated within the meaning of Code Section 2-13-10, […]
A commercial feed shall be deemed to be adulterated: If it bears or contains any poisonous or deleterious substance which may render it injurious to health, provided that, if the substance is not an added substance, such commercial feed shall not be considered adulterated under this paragraph if the quantity of such substance in such […]
The following acts and the causing thereof within this state are prohibited: The manufacture or distribution of any commercial feed that is adulterated or misbranded; The adulteration or misbranding of any commercial feed; The distribution of agricultural commodities, such as whole seed, hay, straw, stover, silage, cobs, husks, and hulls, which are adulterated within the […]
The Commissioner is authorized to establish standards for commercial feeds. The Commissioner is authorized to promulgate such rules and regulations for commercial feeds and pet foods as are specifically authorized in this chapter and such other reasonable rules and regulations as may be necessary for the efficient enforcement of this chapter. In the interest of […]
For the purpose of enforcing this chapter and in order to determine whether its provisions have been complied with, including whether or not any operations may be subject to such provisions, officers or employees duly designated by the Commissioner, upon presenting appropriate credentials to the owner, operator, or agent in charge, are authorized to enter, […]
Withdrawal from distribution orders. When the Commissioner or his authorized agent has reasonable cause to believe that any lot of commercial feed is being distributed in violation of this chapter or any of the prescribed regulations under this chapter, he may issue and enforce a written or printed withdrawal from distribution order, warning the […]
The Commissioner is authorized to apply for and the court to grant a temporary or permanent injunction restraining any person from violating or continuing to violate this chapter or any rule or regulation promulgated under this chapter, notwithstanding the existence of other remedies at law. Such injunction shall be issued without bond. History. Code 1933, […]
It shall be the duty of the Attorney General or each district attorney of a superior court to whom any violation is reported by the Commissioner or his representative to cause appropriate proceedings to be instituted and prosecuted in a court of competent jurisdiction without delay. Before the Commissioner reports a violation for such prosecution, […]
This chapter shall be administered by the Commissioner of Agriculture. History. Code 1933, § 42-201, enacted by Ga. L. 1972, p. 10, § 1.
In any controversy or prosecution arising under this chapter, a certificate of the state chemist or other state employee making an analysis or inspection, duly sworn to by the state chemist or the employee, shall be prima-facie evidence of the facts therein certified. History. Code 1933, § 42-214, enacted by Ga. L. 1972, p. 10, […]
The provisions of this chapter pertaining to rule making, the issuance, revocation, or denial of licenses and registrations, and other administrative actions authorized under this chapter shall be subject to and conducted in accordance with Chapter 13 of Title 50, the “Georgia Administrative Procedure Act.” History. Code 1933, § 42-211, enacted by Ga. L. 1972, […]
This chapter shall not apply to any commercial feeds that have been manufactured or produced by any person, partnership, firm, or corporation for the purpose of feeding his, their, or its own domestic animals, livestock, or poultry. This chapter shall not apply to any commercial feeds whenever the purchaser of such commercial feeds desires to […]
Any person who violates any of the provisions of this chapter or who impedes, hinders, or otherwise prevents or attempts to prevent the Commissioner or his duly authorized agent in the performance of his duty in connection with this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. History. Code 1933, §§ 42-211, 42-9922, enacted by Ga. […]
The Commissioner may cooperate and enter into agreements with governmental agencies of this state, other states, agencies of the federal government, and private associations in order to carry out the purpose and provisions of this chapter. History. Code 1933, § 42-215, enacted by Ga. L. 1972, p. 10, § 1.
The Commissioner may publish, in such forms as he may deem proper, information concerning the sales of commercial feeds, together with such data on their production and use as he may consider advisable and a report of the results of the analyses of official samples of commercial feeds sold within this state as compared with […]
Any person who uses to his own advantage or reveals to anyone other than the Commissioner, officers of the department, or the courts, when relevant in any judicial proceeding, any information acquired under the authority of this chapter concerning any method, records, formulations, or processes which as trade secrets are entitled to protection, shall be […]
No person who manufactures a commercial feed within this state or whose name appears on the label of a commercial feed (guarantor), shall distribute a commercial feed in this state without first obtaining a commercial feed license from the Commissioner. No distributor may cause a commercial feed to be distributed in this state without first […]
Every nonresident licensee, at the time of licensing and before distributing commercial feed in this state, shall comply with Chapter 5 of this title, the “Department of Agriculture Registration, License, and Permit Act.” History. Ga. L. 1945, p. 213, § 10; Code 1933, § 42-213, enacted by Ga. L. 1972, p. 10, § 1; Ga. […]
A commercial feed, other than a customer-formula feed, shall be accompanied by a label bearing the following information: The net weight, which may be stated in metric units in addition to the required avoirdupois units; The product name and the brand name, if any, under which the commercial feed is distributed; The guaranteed analysis stated […]
A commercial feed shall be deemed to be misbranded: If its labeling is false or misleading in any particular; If it is distributed under the name of another commercial feed; If it is not labeled as required in Code Section 2-13-8; If it purports to be or is represented as a commercial feed or if […]