As used in this article, the term: “Agricultural products” includes fruits, vegetables, pecans, and cotton but does not include dairy products, tobacco, grains, eggs, and other basic farm crops. “Dealer in agricultural products” means any person, association, itinerant dealer, partnership, or corporation engaged in the business of buying, receiving, selling, exchanging, negotiating, or soliciting the […]
Upon the complaint of any interested person or upon his own initiative, the Commissioner shall have the power to investigate: The record of any applicant or licensee; Any transaction involving the solicitation, receipt, sale, or attempted sale of agricultural products; The failure to pay proper and true accounts and settlements at prompt and regular intervals; […]
Whenever produce is shipped to or received by a licensed dealer for handling, purchase, or sale in this state at any market point and the dealer finds the produce to be in a spoiled, damaged, unmarketable, or unsatisfactory condition, unless both parties waive inspection before sale or other disposition thereof, the dealer shall cause the […]
In the absence of a written contract between the producer and a dealer in agricultural products to the contrary, any agricultural product which is harvested by a dealer, an agent or employee of a dealer, or an independent contractor retained by a dealer or which is delivered to a dealer or an agent or employee […]
It shall be unlawful for any dealer in agricultural products to sell, offer for sale, or possess any agricultural product that does not comply with the standards of quality established by the Commissioner under authority of law or with the laws and rules and regulations pertaining to such product. It is the intent and purpose […]
The Commissioner shall adopt and enforce rules and regulations deemed necessary to carry out this article. History. Ga. L. 1956, p. 617, § 13.
In addition to the other remedies provided in this article and notwithstanding the existence of any adequate remedy at law, the Commissioner is authorized to apply to the superior court, which court shall have jurisdiction, upon hearing and for cause shown, to grant a temporary or permanent injunction, or both, restraining any person from violating […]
This article shall not apply to: Farmers or groups of farmers in the sale of agricultural products grown by themselves; Persons who buy for cash, paying at the time of purchase in United States currency, certified check, cashier’s check, or the equivalent; or Holders of food sales establishment licenses issued pursuant to Article 2 of […]
Any dealer in agricultural products who violates any of the provisions of this article or who interferes with an agent of the Commissioner in the enforcement of this article shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. History. Ga. L. 1956, p. 617, § 15.
It shall be unlawful for any dealer in agricultural products who comes within the terms of this article to engage in such business in this state without a state license issued by the Commissioner. History. Ga. L. 1956, p. 617, § 3.
Every dealer in agricultural products desiring to transact business in this state shall file an application for such license with the Commissioner. The application shall be on a form furnished by the Commissioner and, together with such other information as the Commissioner shall require, shall state: The kind or kinds of agricultural products the applicant […]
Unless the Commissioner refuses the application on one or more of the grounds provided in Code Section 2-9-7, he or she shall issue to such applicant, upon the execution and delivery of a bond as provided in Code Section 2-9-5, a state license entitling the applicant to conduct business as a dealer in agricultural products. […]
Before any license is issued the applicant shall make and deliver to the Commissioner a surety bond executed by a surety corporation authorized to transact business in this state and approved by the Commissioner. Any and all bond applications shall be accompanied by a certificate of “good standing” issued by the Commissioner of Insurance. If […]
Any person claiming that he or she has been damaged by a breach of the conditions of a bond given by a licensee as provided in Code Section 2-9-5 may enter a complaint to the Commissioner. Such complaint shall be a written statement of the facts constituting the complaint and must be made within 180 […]
The Commissioner may decline to grant a license or may suspend or revoke a license already granted if he is satisfied that the applicant or licensee has: Suffered a money judgment to be entered against him upon which execution has been returned unsatisfied; Made false charges for handling or services rendered; Failed to account promptly […]
Before the Commissioner refuses a license or suspends or revokes any license, he shall give the applicant or licensee ten days’ notice, by registered or certified mail or statutory overnight delivery, of a time and place of hearing. At such hearing the applicant or licensee shall be privileged to appear in person or by or […]
Every dealer in agricultural products, upon the receipt of agricultural products on a consignment basis and as he handles and disposes of the same, shall make and preserve for at least one year a record thereof, specifying: The name and address of the producer consigning such agricultural products; The date of receipt; The kind and […]
Upon ginning cotton into bales, the ginner shall assign each bale a permanent bale identification number. No bale shall be removed from a gin except when accompanied by a cotton bale voucher issued by the gin, containing the permanent bale identification number and issued in the name of the cotton producer. Except for removal to […]