It is declared to be the policy of the State of Georgia to assure that every public school student shall be housed in a facility which is structurally sound and well maintained and which has adequate space and equipment to meet each student’s instructional needs as those needs are defined and required by this article. […]
The State Board of Education shall establish common minimum facility requirements which each public school facility must meet in order to be certified for use in any component of the educational or recreational program of that school. Such minimum requirements shall include those provisions of law or state board policy on matters that relate to […]
The General Assembly finds that many local school systems in Georgia have relatively weak local tax bases and are unable to raise revenues sufficient to meet their facility needs. The General Assembly further finds that even with current levels of state capital outlay support, these systems must wait for years before they can accumulate funds […]
The State Board of Education is authorized to establish a grant program to incentivize the adoption of digital learning using high speed internet connections across Georgia schools. The grant program shall include funding, subject to appropriations by the General Assembly, for grants to local boards of education for the purchase of technology capital, including, but […]