When a telegraph or telephone company undertakes to condemn so much of the right of way of a railroad company as may be necessary for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, and operating its telegraph or telephone lines along and upon such right of way, the notice of condemnation provided for in Code Section 22-2-26 shall […]
Notice of condemnation shall be served upon the railroad company in the manner provided for the service of other actions upon railroad companies. It shall not be necessary to serve such notice upon any person or corporation other than the railroad company in possession of and operating the railroad whose right of way is sought […]
There need be but one condemnation proceeding against the same railroad company, which proceeding may be conducted in any county where service can be made upon the company as provided in Code Section 22-3-2. However, if the railroad company has a main or principal office located in this state, the proceeding shall be conducted in […]
The hearing may be conducted in the office of the judge of the probate court of the county in which the condemnation proceedings are had or at such other place as the assessors may fix. In assessing the damages to the railroad company, the assessors need not go upon or inspect the premises sought to […]