There shall be 180 members of the House of Representatives, and such membership shall be apportioned among the representative districts provided for in Chapter 2 of this title. There shall be 56 members of the Senate, and such membership shall be apportioned among the senatorial districts provided for in Chapter 2 of this title. Click […]
Authority is granted for the General Assembly, the House of Representatives, and the Senate each to have a seal. The Lieutenant Governor, the Speaker of the House, the Secretary of the Senate, and the Clerk of the House are authorized to use the seal of the General Assembly. The Lieutenant Governor and the Secretary of […]
The engrossed copies of all bills and of all resolutions intended to have the effect of law passed by either house of the General Assembly shall be preserved by the Secretary of the Senate and the Clerk of the House of Representatives and deposited in the office of the Secretary of State. The enrolled copies […]
Every state officer whose election is not otherwise provided for shall be elected by the General Assembly in the same manner and at the same time as other officers are elected by the General Assembly. History. Orig. Code 1863, § 1284; Code 1868, § 1365; Code 1873, § 1340; Code 1882, § 1340; Civil Code […]
No elected county or municipal official shall be eligible to serve as a member of the General Assembly. History. Ga. L. 1977, p. 683, § 1.
No local bill shall become law unless notice of the intention to introduce such bill shall have been advertised in the newspaper in which the sheriff’s advertisements for the locality affected are published one time before the bill is introduced. Such advertisement must be not more than 60 days prior to the convening date of […]
Except as provided in subsection (e) of this Code section, a local bill for revising the districts of county boards of commissioners, county boards of education, independent boards of education, or municipal governing authorities, or creating districts for such offices, shall not be considered by the General Assembly unless such bill meets the requirements of […]
This Code section is passed pursuant to the authority of Article III, Section VI, Paragraph IV, subparagraph (b) of the Constitution, and no population bill shall be passed and no bill using classification by population as a means of determining the applicability of any bill or law to any political subdivision or group of political […]
If the Committee on Ethics of the Senate or House of Representatives determines that the effective functioning of the committee requires the issuance of compulsory process to secure the attendance of a witness or the production of documents and materials, or if a person whose conduct is called into question in an investigation or other […]
The purpose of this Code section is to establish an administrative procedure for the prefiling of proposed bills and resolutions prior to the convening of each legislative session. The purposes of such procedure shall include: Allowing, but not requiring, the author of a measure which he or she intends to introduce in the General Assembly […]
The meetings of the General Assembly shall be held as prescribed in Article III, Section IV, Paragraph I of the Constitution of Georgia. The Senate shall convene daily at 10:00 A.M. unless otherwise ordered by the Senate. The House shall convene daily at 10:00 A.M. unless otherwise ordered by the House. The General Assembly shall […]
The Senate and the House of Representatives shall be organized by the Secretary of the Senate or the Clerk of the House of Representatives who shall be ex officio presiding officer until a presiding officer is elected. No question except one relating to the organization shall be entertained by such officer; and, in deciding such […]
In addition to any other oath prescribed by law, each Senator and Representative, before taking the seat to which elected, shall take the following oath: “I do hereby solemnly swear or affirm that I will support the Constitution of this state and of the United States and, on all questions and measures which may come […]
It shall be the duty of the Secretary of State to prepare and furnish to each member of the General Assembly, after the member has taken his oath of office, a commission under the signature of the Secretary of State, containing the great seal of the state, showing that the member is a duly elected […]
While presiding or in the absence of the President of the Senate, the President Pro Tempore shall have the same powers and duties as the President of the Senate. While presiding or in the absence of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Speaker Pro Tempore shall have the same powers and duties as […]
Upon a petition of 20 members of the majority caucus of the House of Representatives being filed with the Clerk of the House that the Speaker of the House is unable to perform the duties of that office because of physical or mental disability, the Clerk shall make a copy of the petition for the […]
If any officer of either branch of the General Assembly shall fail or refuse to perform any of his duties in completing the organization of an emergency session, as provided for in Article V, Section II, Paragraph VII(b) of the Constitution of Georgia, his office may, upon the majority vote of the membership of the […]
Each member of the General Assembly shall receive an annual salary, as provided for in Code Section 45-7-4, to be paid in equal monthly installments. Upon complying with the requirements of paragraph (22) of subsection (a) of Code Section 45-7-4, each member shall also be reimbursed for those actual expenses incurred in the performance of […]
The state revenue commissioner shall be required to report to the chairperson of the Senate Ethics Committee the name of any Senator who has not filed a Georgia personal income tax return required by law to be filed by the Senator or is a defaulter for state income taxes in violation of Article II, Section […]
Any person employed by any political subdivision or elected to an office therein on or after March 6, 1962, who, by reason of such office or employment, is eligible for pension benefits under any local system and who, prior to such employment, was a member of the General Assembly of Georgia shall receive credit for […]