The court may appoint a guardian for an adult only if the court finds the adult lacks sufficient capacity to make or communicate significant responsible decisions concerning his or her health or safety. No guardian, other than a guardian ad litem or a guardian appointed in an emergency under paragraph (1) of subsection (a) of […]
Only an individual may serve as guardian of an adult, except in the event a public guardian or the Department of Human Services is appointed pursuant to subsection (b.1) of Code Section 29-4-3. No individual may be appointed as guardian of an adult who: Is a minor, a ward, or a protected person; Has a […]
The court shall appoint as guardian that individual who will best serve the interest of the adult, considering the order of preferences set forth in this Code section. The court may disregard an individual who has preference and appoint an individual who has a lower preference or no preference; provided, however, that the court may […]