Any term used in this chapter and defined in Code Section 31-22-9.1 shall have the meaning provided for such term in Code Section 31-22-9.1. HIV and the degenerative diseases associated with it are declared to be contagious, infectious, communicable, and extremely dangerous to the public health. History. Code 1981, § 31-17A-1 , enacted by Ga. […]
The authorized agent or agents of the Department of Public Health are directed and empowered, when in their judgment it is necessary to protect the public health, to make examinations of persons infected or suspected of being infected with HIV and to administer an HIV test with the consent of the person being tested. In […]
If a person refuses to consent to an HIV test, as provided in Code Section 31-17A-2, the Department of Public Health may file a civil complaint with the superior court of the county of the residence of the person refusing the test. The complaint shall allege with specificity the basis for the allegations which the […]
The department shall conduct a three-year pilot program for the purpose of providing preexposure prophylaxis drug assistance or services to persons who have tested negative for the HIV infection but who have risk factors that expose them to HIV. The pilot program shall be conducted in counties identified by the federal Centers for Disease Control […]