The hours of labor required of all persons employed in all cotton or woolen manufacturing establishments in this state, except engineers, firefighters, watchmen, mechanics, teamsters, yard employees, clerical force, and all help that may be needed to clean up and make necessary repairs or changes in or of machinery, shall not exceed ten hours per […]
All contracts which require employees of cotton or woolen manufacturing establishments to work more than 40 hours per week shall be null and void. History. Ga. L. 1889, p. 163, § 2; Civil Code 1895, § 2616; Civil Code 1910, § 3138; Code 1933, § 54-202.
Any person with whom a contract violative of this chapter is made or any person having knowledge thereof may institute an action against such cotton or woolen manufacturing establishment; and the amount recovered as a fine shall inure to the benefit of the board of education of the county in which the violation shall have […]
Any cotton or woolen manufacturing establishment that makes any contract in violation of Code Section 34-3-1 shall be subject to a fine of not less than $20.00 and not more than $500.00 for each and every such violation. History. Ga. L. 1889, p. 163, § 3; Civil Code 1895, § 2617; Civil Code 1910, § […]