This chapter shall be known and may be cited as the “Georgia Peace Officer Standards and Training Act.” History. Ga. L. 1970, p. 208, § 1. Law reviews. For annual survey of labor and employment law, see 57 Mercer L. Rev. 251 (2005); 58 Mercer L. Rev. 211 (2006).
No person required to comply with the certification provisions of this chapter shall be employed or appointed by any law enforcement unit without certification from the council that the applicant has met the preemployment requirements established in this chapter, and no candidate shall perform any of the duties of a peace officer involving the power […]
The basic course provided for in Code Section 35-8-9 shall be completed at any school certified by the council which provides the course requirements and methods of instruction established by the council. History. Ga. L. 1970, p. 208, § 10; Ga. L. 1975, p. 567, § 5; Ga. L. 1975, p. 1165, § 7.
Persons employed or appointed by any agency, organ, or department of this state or a subdivision or municipality thereof authorized to use speed detection devices shall be required to be certified by the council as qualified speed detection device operators. Each person operating radar speed or laser detection devices shall satisfactorily complete a course of […]
Any person employed or appointed as a municipal probation officer on or after July 1, 2017, shall not be authorized to exercise the power of arrest as a municipal probation officer unless such person has successfully completed a training course and received certification for municipal probation officers approved by the Georgia Peace Officer Standards and […]
Each law enforcement unit shall prepare duplicate records on any candidate or peace officer employed under this chapter as may be prescribed by the rules and regulations of the council. One copy of the records shall be maintained in the headquarters of the law enforcement unit; the second copy shall be forwarded to the council […]
This chapter establishes only the minimum qualification standards and training requirements for peace officers in this state; each law enforcement unit is encouraged to prescribe such additional requirements as it deems necessary and appropriate. History. Ga. L. 1970, p. 208, § 11.
Any peace officer so employed who does not comply with this chapter shall not be authorized to exercise the powers of a law enforcement officer generally and particularly shall not be authorized to exercise the power of arrest. The council is authorized to bring a civil action against any peace officer who does not comply […]
This chapter shall not apply to emergency peace officers. History. Ga. L. 1970, p. 208, § 14; Ga. L. 1975, p. 1165, § 10.
In each city of this state adjacent to the State of Georgia boundary line, the sheriff, mayor, or other person authorized to appoint peace officers may appoint as special deputy, special constable, marshal, policeman, or other peace officer a person who is not a citizen of Georgia but who is a citizen of an adjoining […]
As used in this chapter, the term: “Applicant” means a prospective peace officer who has not commenced employment or service with a law enforcement unit. “Candidate” means a peace officer who, having satisfied preemployment requirements, has commenced employment with a law enforcement unit but who has not satisfied the training requirement provided for in this […]
During calendar year 1985 and during each calendar year thereafter, the chief of police or department head of each law enforcement unit and wardens of state institutions shall complete 20 hours of training as provided in this Code section. The training required by subsection (a) of this Code section shall be completed in sessions as […]
Any newly appointed chief of police or department head of a law enforcement unit whose term of employment commences after June 30, 1999, shall successfully complete a minimum of 60 hours of law enforcement chief executive training at the next scheduled law enforcement chief executive training class sponsored by the Georgia Association of Chiefs of […]
During calendar year 1999 and during each calendar year thereafter, any person employed or appointed as a peace officer shall complete 20 hours of training as provided in this Code section; provided, however, that any peace officer serving with the Department of Public Safety who is a commissioned officer shall receive annual training as specified […]
Any law enforcement unit in this state may supplement its workforce as necessary with qualified, retired peace officers or correctional officers when a disaster or emergency has been declared by a county sheriff, a public safety director, or the Governor or when there is a national emergency. Retired peace officers and retired correctional officers assisting […]
Unless otherwise provided by an employment contract to the contrary, if the State of Georgia or any county or municipality thereof employs a peace officer and said peace officer is hired by another agency within 15 months after completing mandated or formalized training requirements, then the total expense of training, including salary paid during training, […]
As used in this Code section, the term “communications officer” means and includes any person employed by the state or a local governmental agency to receive, process, or transmit public safety information and dispatch law enforcement officers, firefighters, medical personnel, or emergency management personnel. Any person employed on or after July 1, 1995, as a […]
Any person employed or appointed as a jail officer six months after January 1, 1999, shall not be authorized to serve as a jail officer in any detention facility after a certain date as provided in subsection (b) of this Code section unless such person has successfully completed a training course for jail officers approved […]
Any person who is employed by an agency or authority of this state or an agency or authority of a political subdivision of this state as a bomb technician, explosive ordnance disposal technician, handler of an animal trained to detect explosives, or any person who is assigned to such duties shall be required to complete […]
This Code section shall be known and may be cited as the “TASER and Electronic Control Weapons Act.” It is the intent and purpose of the Georgia General Assembly to establish legal requirements for the official use of electronic control weapons and similar devices by law enforcement officers, including those officers employed in detention facilities, […]