Whenever two-fifths of the electors of any county who are qualified to vote for members of the General Assembly, as shown by the registration list last made out, shall petition the judge of the probate court for the removal or change of the county site of the county, the judge of the probate court shall […]
The election shall be held and conducted and returns shall be made thereof as is provided by Chapter 2 of Title 21, the “Georgia Election Code.” History. Ga. L. 1878-79, p. 44, § 2; Code 1882, § 508y; Civil Code 1895, § 392; Civil Code 1910, § 487; Code 1933, § 23-502.
At the election, the form of the ballot and the procedure for marking the ballot shall be as provided in Chapter 2 of Title 21, the “Georgia Election Code.” The ballot for such election shall have written or printed thereon the following: “[ ] YES Shall the county site of County [ ] NO be […]
The certificate of the Secretary of State showing that the election was held and that two-thirds of the qualified voters voting at the election voted in favor of removal shall be sufficient evidence of the holding of the election and of the number of votes cast. History. Ga. L. 1878-79, p. 44, § 4; Code […]
After a county site is removed as provided by law, all the courts which are required by law to be held at the county site of the county, by proper orders made by the judges of such courts at chambers or in regular session and entered on the minutes of the courts, shall continue to […]
The authorities having charge of county affairs in any county for which the county site has been removed shall provide by an order entered on their minutes that the county officers of the county shall have and keep their offices in such buildings at either the old or new county site as, in the judgment […]