As used in this title, the term: “Certificate” means a certificate of public convenience and necessity issued pursuant to this title. “Commission” means the Public Service Commission. “Company” shall include a corporation, a firm, a partnership, an association, or an individual. “Electric utility” means any retail supplier of electricity whose rates are fixed by the […]
As used in this Code section, the term “electric company” means all corporations engaged in the business of either generating or transmitting electricity for light, heat, power, or other commercial purposes. If any railroad company doing business in this state shall, in violation of any rule or regulation of the Public Service Commission, inflict any […]
Notwithstanding the placement of any provision of law within this title, the powers granted by provisions of one Code section shall be applicable to any other company or entity regulated by the commission, where applicable.
Unless otherwise provided by Georgia law and not preempted by federal law or unless provided or allowed by federal law, the provisions of this title relating to carriers engaged in the transportation of passengers or goods within this state shall not apply to carriers engaged in interstate commerce.
By March 2, 1982, the Department of Human Resources (now known as the Department of Human Services) shall develop a program to identify those low or fixed income consumers of gas and electric utility service who, in the department’s opinion, should benefit from public assistance in paying their bills for gas and electric service. The […]
As used in this Code section, the term: “Governmental entity” means any: Municipality, public corporation, political subdivision, instrumentality, body politic, authority, district, consolidated government, county, or any board, commission, agency, department, or board of any such entity; State board, commission, agency, department, or board; or Other form of government. “Policy” means an ordinance, resolution, regulation, […]