There is established a Utility Finance Section of the commission staff, which section shall have the powers and duties specified in this article. The section shall consist of a director, an assistant director, and such accountants, statisticians, experts, and clerical personnel as the commission may employ, as authorized by the General Assembly. History. Code 1933, […]
On or before December 31, 1981, the commission by order shall employ an individual qualified by knowledge and experience to serve as director of the Utility Finance Section. The director shall be compensated in an amount determined by the commission. He shall serve at the pleasure of the commission and shall report to the director […]
The director of the Utility Finance Section shall employ an assistant director who shall be employed at the pleasure of the commission and as provided by law. The director shall employ such accountants, statisticians, experts, and clerical personnel as are necessary for the effective performance of the duties of the section, and such employees shall […]
During the period of his employment and for one year following the termination of his employment, neither the director of the Utility Finance Section, the assistant director of the section, nor any other employee of the section shall own any interest of any kind in or be retained or employed by any electric utility or […]
The duties of the Utility Finance Section shall include the following: Preparing a budget for the section for submission by the director of the section to the director of utilities to secure the necessary appropriations to finance the activities of the section; Investigating the rates and auditing the books and records of any electric utility […]
The Utility Finance Section shall have the following authority and relationship to the commission: The section shall be part of the commission staff; and The section shall be deemed a party to any proceeding to consider rates in which it participates, provided that it shall not have standing to appeal or contest the final order […]