As used in this article, the term “retail telecommunications service” means the offering of two-way interactive communications for a fee directly to end users. Such term does not include wireless service as defined in paragraph (3) of Code Section 46-5-221 nor does it include the obligations of an incumbent local exchange carrier, as defined by […]
Notwithstanding any other provision of law in this chapter or Chapter 2 of this title except the provisions of Code Section 46-5-252 and the complaint process set forth in subsection (a) of the Code Section 46-5-166, the commission shall not have any jurisdiction, right, power, authority, or duty to impose or enforce any requirement, regulation, […]
No company providing retail telecommunications service shall impose a separate line item or surcharge on customers’ bills to recover any costs of complying with any state law or regulations without first submitting to the commission the methodology and data used by such company for approval by the commission; provided, however, that such a company shall […]