As used in this part, the term: “Capital outlay project” means major, permanent, or long-lived improvements or betterments, such as land and structures, such as would be properly chargeable to a capital asset account and as distinguished from current expenditures and ordinary maintenance expenses. Such term shall include, but not be limited to, roads, streets, […]
Pursuant to the authority granted by Article IX, Section II, Paragraph VI of the Constitution of this state, there are created within this state 159 special districts. The geographical boundary of each county shall correspond with and shall be conterminous with the geographical boundary of the 159 special districts. When the imposition of a special […]
Prior to the issuance of the call for the referendum and prior to the vote of a county governing authority within a special district to impose the tax under this part, such governing authority may enter into an intergovernmental agreement with any or all of the qualified municipalities within the special district. Any county that […]
With respect to any consolidated government created by the consolidation of a county and one or more municipalities, the provisions of this Code section shall control over any conflicting provisions of this part. The tax authorized by this part, if imposed by a consolidated government, shall not be subject to any maximum period of time […]
If the imposition of the tax is approved at the special election, the tax shall be imposed on the first day of the next succeeding calendar quarter which begins more than 80 days after the date of the election at which the tax was approved by the voters. With respect to services which are regularly […]
A tax levied pursuant to this part shall be exclusively administered and collected by the commissioner for the use and benefit of the county and qualified municipalities within such special district imposing the tax. Such administration and collection shall be accomplished in the same manner and subject to the same applicable provisions, procedures, and penalties […]
Each sales tax return remitting taxes collected under this part shall separately identify the location of each retail establishment at which any of the taxes remitted were collected and shall specify the amount of sales and the amount of taxes collected at each establishment for the period covered by the return in order to facilitate […]
The proceeds of the tax collected by the commissioner in each county within a special district under this part shall be disbursed as soon as practicable after collection as follows: One percent of the amount collected shall be paid into the general fund of the state treasury in order to defray the costs of administration; […]
Where a local sales or use tax has been paid with respect to tangible personal property by the purchaser either in another local tax jurisdiction within the state or in a tax jurisdiction outside the state, the tax may be credited against the tax authorized to be imposed by this part upon the same property. […]
No tax provided for in this part shall be imposed upon the sale of tangible personal property which is ordered by and delivered to the purchaser at a point outside the geographical area of the county in which the tax is imposed regardless of the point at which title passes, if the delivery is made […]
As used in this Code section, the term “building and construction materials” means all building and construction materials, supplies, fixtures, or equipment, any combination of such items, and any other leased or purchased articles when the materials, supplies, fixtures, equipment, or articles are to be utilized or consumed during construction or are to be incorporated […]
The commissioner shall have the power and authority to promulgate such rules and regulations as shall be necessary for the effective and efficient administration and enforcement of the collection of the tax authorized to be imposed by this part. History. Code 1981, § 48-8-119 , enacted by Ga. L. 1985, p. 232, § 1; Ga. […]
Except as provided in Code Section 48-8-6, the tax authorized by this part shall be in addition to any other local sales and use tax. Except as provided in Code Section 48-8-6, the imposition of any other local sales and use tax within a county or qualified municipality within a special district shall not affect […]
The proceeds received from the tax authorized by this part shall be used by the county and qualified municipalities within the special district receiving proceeds of the sales and use tax exclusively for the purpose or purposes specified in the resolution or ordinance calling for imposition of the tax. Such proceeds shall be kept in […]
The governing authority of the county and the governing authority of each municipality receiving any proceeds from the tax under this part or under Article 4 of this chapter shall maintain a record of each and every project for which the proceeds of the tax are used. Not later than 180 days following the close […]
For purposes of this Code section, the term “infeasible” means that the project has, in the judgment of the governing authority as expressed in the resolution or ordinance required by subsection (b) of this Code section, become impracticable, unserviceable, unrealistic, or otherwise not in the best interests of the citizens of the special district or […]
The superior courts of this state shall have jurisdiction to enforce compliance with the provisions of this part, including the power to grant injunctions or other equitable relief. In addition to any action that may be brought by any person or entity, the Attorney General shall have authority to bring enforcement actions, either civil or […]