When a case is set for a hearing before the Supreme Court or the Court of Appeals and there are parties besides the plaintiffs and defendants, whether shown by the record or not, who have a direct interest in its result, upon the interest being made to appear the court shall allow the other parties […]
The decision of the appellate court and any direction awarded in the case shall be certified by the clerk to the court below, under the seal of the court. The decision and direction shall be respected and carried into full effect in good faith by the court below. The remittitur shall contain nothing more, except […]
In all cases where the Supreme Court of Georgia has affirmed the imposition of the death penalty in a case or has affirmed the denial of a petition for a writ of habeas corpus in any case in which the death penalty has been imposed, the remittitur shall not issue from that court for at […]
If the judgment of the lower court is affirmed, upon the filing of the remittitur with the clerk of the court below, the supersedeas shall cease and execution shall issue at once for the amount of the original judgment. History. Orig. Code 1863, § 4183; Code 1868, § 4222; Code 1873, § 4287; Code 1882, […]
A judge of any trial court or tribunal having the power to adjudge and punish for contempt shall grant to any person convicted of or adjudged to be in contempt of court a supersedeas upon application and compliance with the provisions of law as to appeal and certiorari, where the person also submits, within the […]
When judgments are rendered on appeal in injunction or other extraordinary cases, the judges of the superior courts may give immediate effect to such judgments. History. Ga. L. 1870, p. 405, § 5; Code 1873, § 3215; Code 1882, § 3215; Civil Code 1895, § 5599; Civil Code 1910, § 6218; Code 1933, § 6-1806; […]
The writ of certiorari shall lie from the Supreme Court to the Court of Appeals as provided by Article VI, Section VI, Paragraph V of the Constitution of this state. History. Orig. Code 1863, § 3957; Code 1868, § 3977; Code 1873, § 4049; Code 1882, § 4049; Civil Code 1895, § 4634; Civil Code […]
When either the plaintiff or the defendant dies after a case has been tried and before the expiration of the time within which the party, if living, might have entered an appeal, and no appeal has been entered, the personal representative of the estate of the deceased party may enter an appeal within 30 days […]
The transcript of the record shall not be recorded by the clerk of the appellate court but shall be carefully labeled and filed so as to be found easily when needed. History. Laws 1847, Cobb’s 1851 Digest, p. 454; Code 1863, § 4185; Code 1868, § 4224; Code 1873, § 4289; Code 1882, § 4289; […]
Whenever the appellate court may be unable to dispose of all cases on its docket for any term before the time fixed by law for the succeeding term to begin, the court may pass an order requiring counsel in all such cases to file their briefs in the clerk’s office of the court on or […]
The bill of costs for every application to the Supreme Court for a writ of certiorari or for applications for appeals filed in the Supreme Court or the Court of Appeals or appeals to the Supreme Court or the Court of Appeals shall be $80.00 in criminal cases and in habeas corpus cases for persons […]
If there is a judgment of reversal, the appellant shall be entitled to a judgment for the amount of the costs in the appellate court against the appellee as soon as the remittitur is returned to the court below. History. Laws 1845, Cobb’s 1851 Digest, p. 251; Code 1863, § 4186; Code 1868, § 4225; […]
When in the opinion of the court the case was taken up for delay only, 10 percent damages may be awarded by the appellate court upon any judgment for a sum certain which has been affirmed. The award shall be entered in the remittitur. History. Laws 1845, Cobb’s 1851 Digest, p. 450; Code 1863, § […]
No decision shall be rendered ore tenus. The reporter shall publish in the official reports of the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals all judgments, but only those opinions which the courts shall direct to be published. History. Ga. L. 1866, p. 46, § 5; Code 1868, § 4210; Code 1873, § 4270; Code […]
The decision in each case shall be entered on the minutes. It shall be within the power of the appellate court rendering the decision in a case to make such order and to give such direction as to the final disposition of the case by the lower court as may be consistent with the law […]
Where a further hearing of the case is to follow in the lower court, the clerk of the appellate court shall transmit a copy of the opinion to the clerk of the lower court, without charge, as soon as the opinion is written out. The copy shall remain on file for the information of the […]