5-1 to 3 REPEALED.
§ §5-1 to 3 REPEALED. L 1988, c 138, § §2 to 4.
§ §5-1 to 3 REPEALED. L 1988, c 138, § §2 to 4.
§5-10 State song. The song “Hawai`i Pono`i” is adopted, established, and designated as the official song of the State, to be effective for as long as the legislature of the State does not otherwise provide. [L 1967, c 301, §2; HRS §5-10; am L 1990, c 215, §3]
§5-10.5 State musical instrument; `auana; kahiko. (a) The `ukulele is established and designated as the official `auana musical instrument of the State. (b) The pahu is established and designated as the official kahiko musical instrument of the State. [L 2015, c 6, §2]
§5-11 REPEALED. L 1988, c 269, §2.
§5-11.3 State insect. The pulelehua (Vanessa tameamea), also known as the Kamehameha butterfly, is established and designated as the official insect of the State. [L 2009, c 15, §1]
§5-11.5 State fish. The humuhumunukunukuapua`a (Rhinecanthus rectangulus), also known as the rectangular triggerfish, is established and designated as the official fish of the State. [L 2006, c 67, §2]
§5-12 State marine mammal. The humpback whale is established and designated as the official marine mammal of the State, to be effective so long as the legislature of the State does not otherwise provide. [L 1979, c 110, §1]
§5-12.2 State land mammal. The Åpe`ape`a, otherwise known as the Hawaiian hoary bat (Lasiurus cinereus semotus), is established and designated as the official land mammal of the State. [L 2015, c 13, §2]
§5-12.5 State mammal. The Hawaiian monk seal (Monachus schauinslandi) is established and designated as the official mammal of the State. [L 2008, c 72, §2] Cross References Taking a monk seal prohibited, see §195D-4.5.
§5-13 REPEALED. L 1985, c 289, §3.
§5-13.5 State individual sport. Surfing is adopted, established, and designated as the official individual sport of the State. [L 1998, c 174, §2]
§5-14 State team sport. Outrigger canoe paddling is adopted, established, and designated as the official team sport of the State, to be effective for as long as the legislature of the State does not otherwise provide. [L 1986, c 219, §2]
§5-15 State gem. The black coral is established and designated as the official gem of the State. [L 1987, c 9, §1]
§5-15.5 State plant. Kalo (Colocasia esculenta (L.) Schott), the Hawaiian word for taro, is adopted, established, and designated as the official plant of the State. [L 2007, c 36, §2; am L 2008, c 71, §1] Cross References Hand-pounded poi, see §321-4.7.
§5-16 State flower and individual island flowers. The native yellow hibiscus (Hibiscus brackenridgei A. Gray), also known as the Pua Aloalo or Ma`o-hau-hele, is established and designated as the official flower of the State. The `Åhi`a lehua (metrosideros macropus M. collina), also known as the pua lehua, is established and designated as the official flower […]
§5-16.5 Official island colors. The color red is established and designated as the official color of the island of Hawai`i. The color pink is established and designated as the official color of the island of Maui. The color golden yellow is established and designated as the official color of the island of O`ahu. The color […]
§5-17 State bird. The nene (Branta sandwicensis), also known as the Hawaiian goose, is established and designated as the official bird of the State. [L 1988, c 178, §1]
§5-18 State flag. As used in this [chapter], unless the context otherwise requires: “Flag” means any flag, standard, color, ensign, or any picture or representation of either made of any substance or represented on any substance, and of any size, evidently purporting to be, either of, the flag, standard, color, or ensign of the State […]
§5-18.5 POW/MIA (prisoner of war/missing in action) flag; recognition; use. (a) The State recognizes the National League of Families’ POW/MIA (prisoner of war/missing in action) flag that was recognized by the United States Congress through P. L. 101-355 on August 10, 1990. (b) The National League of Families’ POW/MIA (prisoner of war/missing in action) flag […]
§5-19 Description of the Hawaiian flag. The official description of the Hawaiian flag as authorized to represent the State of Hawaii on land and sea, and authorized for executive state agencies, second to the stars and stripes of the United States shall be: (1) The Hawaiian flag shall consist of eight horizontal stripes, alternately white, […]