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143-1 Definitions.

§143-1 Definitions. Whenever used in this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires: “Microchip” or “microchip identification” means a device that is implanted under the skin of an animal and that contains contact information for the owner of the animal. “Officer” means any sheriff, deputy, any member of a police force in counties with a population […]

143-10 Stray dogs.

§143-10 Stray dogs. Every person who takes into the person’s possession any stray dog shall immediately notify the animal control officer and release the dog to the animal control officer upon demand. If there is attached to the dog a license tag for the then current year, the animal control officer shall notify in writing […]

143-11 Redemption of stray licensed dogs.

§143-11 Redemption of stray licensed dogs. The owner of any licensed dog impounded and not claimed within twenty-four hours as provided in section 143-10, may redeem the dog at any time before the sale or destruction of the dog by paying to the animal control officer an impoundment fee per day as provided in section […]

143-12 Seizure and disposal of diseased dogs; penalty.

§143-12 Seizure and disposal of diseased dogs; penalty. Any police officer or animal control officer may seize and, after notice to the owner if the owner can be found, may kill any dog running at large which is so obviously diseased as to be a menace to the health of persons or animals. Any owner […]

143-13 Destruction of diseased or unfit dogs.

§143-13 Destruction of diseased or unfit dogs. All dogs taken into the custody of the animal control officer which by reason of age, disease, or other causes, are unfit for further use or are dangerous to keep impounded, may be forthwith humanely destroyed by the animal control officer. [L 1941, c 268, §11; RL 1945, […]

143-14 Female dogs.

§143-14 Female dogs. It shall be unlawful for the owner of any female dog, licensed or unlicensed, to permit it to run at large while the dog is in the copulating season. [L 1941, c 268, §12; RL 1945, §7163; RL 1955, §156-14; HRS §143-14]

143-15 Contracts for seizing and impounding dogs.

§143-15 Contracts for seizing and impounding dogs. Any county may contract with any society or organization formed for the prevention of cruelty to animals, or similar dog protective organization, for the seizure and impounding of all unlicensed dogs, and for the maintenance of a shelter or pound for unlicensed dogs, and for lost, strayed, and […]

143-17 Wrongful interference with officers.

§143-17 Wrongful interference with officers. It shall be unlawful for any person to resist or obstruct any officer in the exercise of the officer’s duties as provided in this chapter. [L 1941, c 268, §15; RL 1945, §7166; RL 1955, §156-17; HRS §143-17; gen ch 1985]

143-18 Unlawful disposition of impounded dogs.

§143-18 Unlawful disposition of impounded dogs. It shall be unlawful for any officer to knowingly sell or give any impounded dog to any person, firm, corporation, association, medical college, or university for the purpose of animal experimentation. [L 1941, c 268, §16; RL 1945, §7167; RL 1955, §156-18; HRS §143-18]

143-19 Penalty.

§143-19 Penalty. Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter for which no special penalty is provided shall be fined not more than $50. [L 1941, c 268, §18; RL 1945, §7168; RL 1955, §156-19; HRS §143-19]

143-2 License or microchip required.

§143-2 License or microchip required. It shall be unlawful for any person to own or harbor a: (1) Dog unless the dog is licensed and has been implanted with a microchip identification as provided by this chapter; provided that the counties may, by ordinance, dispense with or modify the licensing requirements of this chapter; provided […]

143-2.2 Microchip identification.

§143-2.2 Microchip identification. (a) An owner shall have a microchip implanted in the owner’s dog or cat, and the owner shall register the microchip number and the owner’s contact information with a microchip registration company. (b) When the contact information of the owner of a dog or cat changes, the owner shall provide the new […]

143-2.5 Regulation of other animals.

§143-2.5 Regulation of other animals. Nothing in this chapter shall be construed as a limitation on the authority of the counties to regulate, including by licensure, animals other than dogs. [L 1988, c 270, §2]

143-2.6 Animal desertion. It shall be unlawful for the owner of any animal or any person in possession of an animal that belongs to another person to leave the animal without the intention of returning to it. Any person who violates this section shall be guilty of a petty misdemeanor. [L 1992, c 223, §1]

§143-2.6 Animal desertion. It shall be unlawful for the owner of any animal or any person in possession of an animal that belongs to another person to leave the animal without the intention of returning to it. Any person who violates this section shall be guilty of a petty misdemeanor. [L 1992, c 223, §1]

143-20 Reporting of dog or cat captured or killed in snare or trap.

§143-20 Reporting of dog or cat captured or killed in snare or trap. Any dog or cat captured or killed in any steel-jawed leg-hold trap, snare, conibear trap, or foot- or leg-hold trap, as those terms are defined in section 711-1109.37, in an area zoned as residential shall immediately be checked for identification and reported […]

143-3 License fee controlled by ordinance.

§143-3 License fee controlled by ordinance. Except where licenses are dispensed with pursuant to section 143-2, each county council shall have the power to fix the license fee for dogs on a biennial basis. Until and unless otherwise provided by ordinance the biennial license fee for each dog shall be $4. Any person owning or […]

143-4 Issuance of license and tags.

§143-4 Issuance of license and tags. Upon the receipt of the license fee, the director of finance shall issue to the person paying the fee a license stating the following: (1) The name and address of the person to whom the license is issued; (2) The year for which the license is paid; (3) The […]

143-5 Removal and imitation of dog tags.

§143-5 Removal and imitation of dog tags. It shall be unlawful for any person to remove any tag from any dog not owned by the person or under the person’s control, or to place on any dog any license tag not issued as herein provided, or to make or have in possession or to place […]

143-6 Lost dog tags.

§143-6 Lost dog tags. If any license tag is lost or stolen, the person to whom the tag was issued shall be entitled to receive a duplicate thereof by presenting to the director of finance who issued the license the original license and satisfactory proof that the tag was lost or stolen. [L 1941, c […]