§159-6 Administration. The department shall administer this chapter subject to the supervision of the board. The board may delegate any of its powers except the power to make rules and regulations or may direct any of its duties to be performed by any appropriate agents, officers, or employees of the board. The board may employ […]
§159-7 General powers. The department, through its board, may: (1) Regulate, supervise, inspect, and control the slaughtering of animals and the manufacture, processing, transportation, packaging, labeling, and disposal of meat or meat products involved in intrastate commerce; (2) Adopt, amend, and repeal rules as are necessary to implement this chapter, subject to chapter 91, on […]
§159-8 Information, investigation, hearings. For the purpose of enforcing this chapter, the board may: (1) Gather and compile information which relates to the business operations of persons being regulated under this chapter and such other information necessary to effectuate the purposes of this chapter. Confidential information shall not be disclosed by the board except under […]