§40-66 Appropriations lapse when. Unless otherwise provided by law all sums of money which are appropriated to the public service for any fiscal period, and which are not expended during the period, shall lapse, and shall not be issued or applied in any future fiscal period to the particular service for which the appropriation has […]
§40-67 Closing out appropriation accounts. In all cases where an appropriation of public money is made, and an unexpended balance remains to the credit of the appropriation on the books of the comptroller after the purposes of the appropriation have been accomplished, or after the time has expired within which those purposes may be accomplished, […]
§40-68 Nonpresentment of warrants and checks. Any warrant drawn upon the state treasury shall be presented at the treasury for payment before the close of the fiscal year next after the fiscal period in which it has been issued. Any check drawn from depositories of state treasury moneys shall be presented at such depositories for […]