§90-1 Definitions. As used in this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise: The term “agency” means any state agency within the executive, legislative, and judicial branches, the office of Hawaiian affairs, and any agency within the executive and legislative branches of the several counties. “Material donor” means any person who of the person’s own free […]
§90-2 Scope of chapter; status of volunteers. (a) An agency may recruit, train, and accept the services of volunteers. (b) No person shall on the basis of sex, age, race, color, ancestry, religion, national origin, marital status, physical or mental handicap, or political grounds, be excluded from participation in, or be denied the benefits of, […]
§90-3 Rights, responsibilities, and expectations in volunteer relationships. (a) Every person regardless of his present economic condition, race, color, ancestry, political affiliation, religious affiliation, sex, age, physical or mental handicap, or marital status has the right to volunteer his services to an agency. An agency has the right to decline any voluntary offer of services, […]
§90-4 Volunteer benefits. Volunteer benefits shall be provided within the limits of an agency’s budget as follows: (1) Meals may be furnished without charge or the cost thereof may be reimbursed to volunteers serving the agency. (2) Lodging may be furnished temporarily without charge or the cost thereof may be reimbursed to volunteers. (3) Transportation […]
§90-5 Agency reports, required information. A state agency as part of its annual report to the governor, the legislature, or the chief justice shall include estimates of: (1) The total number of volunteers and the total number of hours of service broken down into categories of regular-service volunteers, occasional volunteers, stipended volunteers, and material donors. […]