§91-1 Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter: “Agency” means each state or county board, commission, department, or officer authorized by law to make rules or to adjudicate contested cases, except those in the legislative or judicial branches. “Agency hearing” refers only to such hearing held by an agency immediately prior to a judicial review […]
§91-10 Rules of evidence; official notice. In contested cases: (1) Except as provided in section 91-8.5, any oral or documentary evidence may be received, but every agency shall as a matter of policy provide for the exclusion of irrelevant, immaterial, or unduly repetitious evidence and no sanction shall be imposed or rule or order be […]
§91-11 Examination of evidence by agency. Whenever in a contested case the officials of the agency who are to render the final decision have not heard and examined all of the evidence, the decision, if adverse to a party to the proceeding other than the agency itself, shall not be made until a proposal for […]
§91-12 Decisions and orders. Every decision and order adverse to a party to the proceeding, rendered by an agency in a contested case, shall be in writing or stated in the record and shall be accompanied by separate findings of fact and conclusions of law. If any party to the proceeding has filed proposed findings […]
§91-13 Consultation by officials of agency. No official of an agency who renders a decision in a contested case shall consult any person on any issue of fact except upon notice and opportunity for all parties to participate, save to the extent required for the disposition of ex parte matters authorized by law. [L 1961, […]
§91-13.1 Administrative review of denial or refusal to issue license or certificate of registration. Except as otherwise provided by law, any person aggrieved by the denial or refusal of any board or commission subject to the jurisdiction of the department of commerce and consumer affairs, to issue a license or certificate of registration, shall submit […]
§91-13.5 Maximum time period for business or development-related permits, licenses, or approvals; automatic approval; extensions. (a) Unless otherwise provided by law, an agency shall adopt rules that specify a maximum time period to grant or deny a business or development-related permit, license, or approval; provided that the application is not subject to state administered permit […]
§91-14 Judicial review of contested cases. (a) Any person aggrieved by a final decision and order in a contested case or by a preliminary ruling of the nature that deferral of review pending entry of a subsequent final decision would deprive appellant of adequate relief is entitled to judicial review thereof under this chapter; but […]
§91-15 Appeals. Review of any final judgment of the circuit court or, if applicable, the environmental court, under this chapter shall be governed by chapter 602. [L 1961, c 103, §15; Supp, §6C-15; HRS §91-15; am L 1979, c 111, §10; am L 2014, c 218, §5] Case Notes Defendants argued they lacked fair notice […]
§91-16 Severability. If any provision of this chapter or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, the invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the chapter which can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this chapter are declared to […]
§91-17 Federal aid. The provisions of section 91-14 shall not be applicable where such applicability would jeopardize federal aid or grants of assistance. [L 1961, c 103, §19; Supp, §6C-17; HRS §91-17]
§91-18 Short title. This chapter may be cited as the Hawaii Administrative Procedure Act. [L 1961, c 103, §20; Supp, §6C-18; HRS §91-18]
§91-2 Public information. (a) In addition to other rulemaking requirements imposed by law, each agency shall: (1) Adopt as a rule a description of the methods whereby the public may obtain information or make submittals or requests. (2) Adopt rules of practice, setting forth the nature and requirements of all formal and informal procedures available, […]
§91-2.5 Fees for proposed and final rules. (a) Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, each agency may charge up to a maximum fee of ten cents per page, plus the actual costs of mailing, for the reproduction of paper copies of the following: (1) Proposed and final rules, whether new rules, amended rules, or repealed […]
§91-2.6 Proposed rulemaking actions and rules; posting on the lieutenant governor’s internet website. (a) Beginning January 1, 2000, all state agencies, through the office of the lieutenant governor, shall make available on the website of the office of the lieutenant governor each proposed rulemaking action of the agency and the full text of the agency’s […]
§91-3 Procedure for adoption, amendment, or repeal of rules. (a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, prior to the adoption of any rule authorized by law, or the amendment or repeal thereof, the adopting agency shall: (1) Give at least thirty days’ notice for a public hearing. The notice shall include: (A) A statement […]
§91-4 Filing and taking effect of rules. (a) Each agency adopting, amending, or repealing a rule, upon approval thereof by the governor or the mayor of the county, shall file forthwith certified copies thereof with the lieutenant governor in the case of the State, or with the clerk of the county in the case of […]
§91-4.1 Rulemaking actions; copies in Ramseyer format. Each state agency adopting, amending, or repealing a rule shall prepare a certified copy of the rule changes according to the Ramseyer format. Each state agency shall maintain a file of the copies in the Ramseyer format and shall make the file available for public inspection and copying […]
§91-4.2 Rule format; publication of index. The revisor of statutes shall: (1) Prescribe a single format for the publication, filing, and indexing of rules by all state agencies. Among other things, the revisor shall provide for the manner and form, including size, in which the agency rules shall be prepared, printed, and indexed, to the […]
§91-4.3 Price. (a) The lieutenant governor shall sell the Hawaii administrative rules index and its supplements at prices which as nearly as practicable will reimburse the State for all costs incurred for printing, publication, and distribution. (b) All money received from the sale of the Hawaii administrative rules index and its supplements shall be deposited […]