18-2301. OFFICIAL NEGLECT OR MALFEASANCE. Every person charged with the performance of any duty, under the provisions of any law of this state relating to elections, who wilfully neglects or refuses to perform it, or who, in his official capacity, knowingly and fraudulently acts in contravention or violation of any of the provisions of such […]
18-2302. FALSE SWEARING AS TO QUALIFICATIONS AS VOTER. Every person who, upon his right to vote being challenged at any election held under the laws of this state, wilfully, corruptly and falsely swears touching his qualifications as a voter, is guilty of perjury. History: [18-2302, added 1972, ch. 336, sec. 1, p. 889.]
18-2303. REFUSAL TO BE SWORN OR TO ANSWER QUESTIONS. Every person who, after being required by the board of judges at any election, refuses to be sworn, or who, after being sworn, refuses to answer any pertinent question propounded by such board, touching his right, or the right of any other person, to vote, is […]
18-2304. PROCURING ILLEGAL VOTES. Every person who procures, aids, assists, counsels or advises another to give or offer his vote at any election, knowing that the person is not qualified to vote, is guilty of a misdemeanor. History: [18-2304, added 1972, ch. 336, sec. 1, p. 889.]
18-2305. INTIMIDATION, CORRUPTION AND FRAUDS. Every person who, by force, threats, menaces, bribery, or any corrupt means, either directly or indirectly attempts to influence any elector in giving his vote, or to deter him from giving the same, or attempts by any means whatever, to awe, restrain, hinder or disturb any elector in the free […]
18-2306. ILLEGAL VOTING OR INTERFERENCE WITH ELECTION. Every person not entitled to vote, who fraudulently votes, and every person who votes more than once at any one election, or knowingly hands in two (2) or more tickets folded together, or changes any ballot after the same has been deposited in the ballot box, or adds, […]
18-2307. ATTEMPTING TO VOTE WHEN NOT QUALIFIED, OR TO REPEAT VOTING. Every person not entitled to vote, who fraudulently attempts to vote, or who, after being entitled to vote, attempts to vote more than once at any election, is guilty of a misdemeanor. History: [18-2307, added 1972, ch. 336, sec. 1, p. 890.]
18-2308. ATTEMPT OF OFFICER TO ASCERTAIN VOTE. Every officer, judge, or clerk of an election, who, previous to putting the ballot of an elector in the ballot box, attempts to find out any name on such ballot, or who opens, or suffers the folded ballot of any elector that has been handed in, to be […]
18-2309. OFFICERS ATTEMPTING TO CHANGE RESULT. Every officer or clerk of election who aids in changing or destroying any poll list, or in placing any ballots in the ballot box, or taking any therefrom, or adds, or attempts to add, any ballots to those legally polled at such election, either by fraudulently introducing the same […]
18-2310. FORGING OR COUNTERFEITING RETURNS. Every person who forges or counterfeits returns of an election purporting to have been held at a precinct, town, or ward where no election was in fact held, or wilfully substitutes forged or counterfeit returns of election in the place of the true returns for a precinct, town, or ward […]
18-2311. ADDING TO OR SUBTRACTING FROM VOTES. Every person who wilfully adds to or subtracts from the votes actually cast at an election in any returns, or who alters such returns, is guilty of a felony. History: [I.C., sec. 18-2311, as added by 1972, ch. 336, sec. 1, p. 891.]
18-2312. AIDING AND ABETTING ELECTION OFFENSES. Every person who aids or abets in the commission of any of the offenses mentioned in the four preceding sections, is punishable by imprisonment in the county jail for the period of six months, or in the state prison not exceeding two years. History: [18-2312, added 1972, ch. 336, […]
18-2313. RIOTOUS CONDUCT AND INTERFERENCE WITH ELECTION. Any person who wilfully disturbs, or is guilty of any riotous conduct at or near, any election place or voting precinct, with intent to disturb the same, or interferes with the access of the electors to the polling place, or in any manner, with the free exercise of […]
18-2314. BETTING ON ELECTIONS. Every person who makes, offers, or accepts any bet or wager upon the result of any election, or upon the success or failure of any person or candidate, or upon the number of votes to be cast, either in the aggregate or for any particular candidate, or upon the vote to […]
18-2315. ELECTION OFFENSES NOT OTHERWISE PROVIDED FOR. Unless a different punishment is otherwise prescribed by law, every person who willfully violates any of the provisions of the laws of this state relating to elections is punishable by fine not exceeding $1,000, or by imprisonment in the state prison not exceeding five (5) years, or by […]
18-2316. TAMPERING WITH CERTIFICATES OF NOMINATION OR BALLOTS. No person shall falsely make, or make oath to, or fraudulently deface, or fraudulently destroy, any certificate of nomination, or any part thereof, or file, or receive for filing, any certificate of nomination, or letter of withdrawal, knowing the same or any part thereof to be falsely […]
18-2317. DESTROYING OR DEFACING SUPPLIES. No person shall, during the election, remove or destroy any of the supplies or conveniences placed in the booths or compartments for the purpose of enabling the voter to prepare his ballot, or prior to, or on the day of election, willfully deface or destroy any list of candidates posted […]
18-2318. ELECTIONEERING AT POLLS. (1) On the day of any primary, general or special election, no person may, within a polling place, or any building in which an election is being held, or within one hundred (100) feet thereof: (a) Do any electioneering; (b) Circulate cards or handbills of any kind; (c) Solicit signatures to […]
18-2319. ATTEMPT TO INFLUENCE VOTES. No person shall attempt to influence the vote of any elector by means of a promise or a favor, or by means of violence or threats of violence, or threats of withdrawing custom or dealing in business or trade, or enforcing the payment of a debt, or discharging from employment, […]
18-2320. BRIBERY OF ELECTORS. No person shall in any way offer a bribe to an elector to influence his vote. History: [18-2320, added 1972, ch. 336, sec. 1, p. 892.]