18-3001. FALSE PERSONATION. Every person who falsely personates another, and in such assumed character, either: 1. Becomes bail or surety for any party in any proceeding whatever, before any court or officer authorized to take such bail or surety; or 2. Verifies, publishes, acknowledges or proves in the name of another person, any written instrument, […]
18-3002. RECEIVING MONEY OR PROPERTY UNDER FALSE PERSONATION. Every person who falsely personates another, and in such assumed character receives any money or property knowing that it is intended to be delivered to the individual so personated, with intent to convert the same to his own use, or that of another person, or to deprive […]
18-3003. MARRIAGE UNDER FALSE PERSONATION. Every person who falsely personates another, and in such assumed character marries or pretends to marry, or sustain the marriage relation towards another, with or without the connivance of such other, is guilty of a felony. History: [18-3003, added 1972, ch. 336, sec. 1, p. 902.]
18-3004. SOLEMNIZING MARRIAGE WITHOUT AUTHORITY. Every person who undertakes or pretends to join others in marriage, knowing that he is not by law authorized so to do, or knowing of any legal impediment to the proposed marriage, is guilty of a misdemeanor. History: [18-3004, added 1972, ch. 336, sec. 1, p. 902.]
18-3005. INTIMIDATION BY FALSE ASSERTION OF AUTHORITY. (1) Any person who either: (a) Deliberately impersonates or falsely acts as a public officer or tribunal, public employee or any law enforcement authority in connection with or relating to any actual or purported legal process affecting persons or property; or (b) Simulates legal process including, but not […]